Hades Family Vacation

Start from the beginning

And Hades was going to take that as a sign that the day was going to be good.

Jason had already been up with Demeter, discussing things that needed to be done while he was away; which all seemed to revolve around his pet pig Leo. Nico and Percy didn't need much coaxing to get out of their shared bed, the son of Poseidon literally jumping out of bed at the mention of their trip. Percy then dragged a sleepy Nico to the bathroom for a shower, and amazingly they were done in ten minutes instead of their usual hour long session; the boys actually just showering for once. Percy dried the two of them with a single touch, they got dressed quickly (so quickly the older teen had his shirt on backwards) and they were out the door.

"Everyone got everything?" Hades asked as he buckled his seat belt. "Wallets, phones, that kind of stuff?"

A chorus of sleepy 'yeahs' echoed from the rear of the car, and a quick glance in the rear view mirror told him his plan was working. Jason sat on the passenger side of the vehicle with his sticker covered laptop on his lap and headphones laying on the edge of the keyboard. The son of Jupiter would entertain himself the drive up to Gurnee with games and music. Next to the blond sat his own son, who was currently resting his head with his eyes closed on the son of Poseidon's shoulder. Nico would probably sleep for another hour and then sit there in relative silence until they reached their destination.

Hades adjusted the mirror slightly to see a pair of sea green eyes staring back at him.

Then there was the wildcard. Percy.

His raven-haired nephew would be silent until Nico awoke, because if there was one good thing he could say about Jackson, it was he would never do something to hurt or upset Nico. If his son needed a pillow, the older teen would do his damnedest to be the best pillow he could be. What he would be like once Nico awoke though was anyone's guess.

So as a safety precaution, Hades packed a bag full of non-sugary snacks, several road trip games, and loaded his own phone up with every popular game he could fit. He had considered drugging the snacks with sleep pills, but Persephone would probably eat some as well.

"Let's get this show on the road," Percy said, slapping the back of Hades' seat. "I want to take Nico on every ride before we leave the park."

"Good look with that," Jason chuckled, adjusting his headphones. "I looked it up and it said that it takes two days to ride everything."

"Only if you're a rookie, Grace," the son of Poseidon said, before sticking out his tongue at the blond.

"I'm going to agree with Percy on this one," Persephone smiled, placing her bare feet on the dash. "I once rode every attraction at Disney World in a single day, and Six Flags is nowhere near as big."

"You were a goddess though," the son of Jupiter shot back. "You were probably riding multiple things at once."

"Irrelevant," his wife pouted, reaching down between her legs and grabbing a pack of trail-mix.

"Oh, I think it's pretty relevant," Percy chuckled quietly. "But how about we see who can ride the most rides by the end of the day? Losers have to do the winners chores for a week."

"You're on!" Persephone cried, tossing a handful of nuts and raisins in her mouth.

Hades rolled his eyes and started the SUV, and backed out of the drive. Today's shaping up to be quite interesting...


They hit their first snag in Mendota, only fifteen minutes away from the farm.

"We should stop at McDonald's," Percy said from the backseat, almost the instant the golden arches came into view. "Grab some breakfast."

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