Y/n luckily has enough time to roll out of the way and dodge the attack.

Y/n: Ok my turn.

Y/n swings his nunchuck and throws it at Ivankov. Ivankov dodges the weapon by a hair to their left only to see Y/n right beside them with their arm cocked back and ready to punch. Ivankov winks and send him flying, he flips in the air and lands on his feet. The weapon then circles back and hits Iva in the eye, cause him to shriek in pain. The two have a stare down, and dash at each other at the same time. The two meet in a clash, both locking each other's legs. Y/n jumps onto Ivankovs leg and into the air, and comes rocketing back down. Ivankov, backflips away from the landing spot.

Y/n: Dammit Ivankov move!

Ivankov: No I won't good sir. That nunchuck is made of sea prism stone isn't it I can barely open my eye now.

Y/n: Good maybe now you know who you're dealing with. Step aside Iva you look hurt enough, and I'm not above putting you down.

Y/n says lowering his stance.

Ivankov: I said I'd stay behind and protect Strawboy and I plan on doing it.

She says bringing her claws up to her face ready to inject herself. She injects herself and her body grows in height and becomes more shapey.

Ivankov dashes at Y/n and kicks him in the stomach sending him crashing into a nearby building. She follows up and punches him in the face, making his head fly back. Y/n touches the ground with both hands and shoulder and pushes off the ground kicking Ivankov in the chest sending her skidding. Dazed Ivankov shakes her head only to get smacked by Y/n's nunchuck. He continues to hit her on the right shoulder, the hip, her knee, her chin, he then jumps up and kicks her in the stomach. He goes for another kick but Ivankov grabs his leg and throws him into the air. She then jumps high into the air

Ivankov: Death Wink!

And sends him barreling back down to the ground.  Ivankov lands back on the ground and reverts back to her original form. The dust cloud clears and we see that Y/n is standing up with a few bruises and scratches covering him.

Y/n: Yo Iva, answer me this, what's a Strawboy? Like are they made of straw or something?

Ivankov: No you idiot it's a boy and he has a straw hat it's quite literally in the name.

Y/n: So you mean to tell me, we've been fighting for no reason?! Seriously what a waste of time.

He says rubbing his lower back and putting his weapon away.

Y/n: Come on, let's go. There's an elevator right over there that can get us to the top.

Ivankov: How can I trust you when you just attacked me?

Y/n: Firstly, you attacked me, I was only reciprocating the energy I got from you. Secondly you don't have to trust me, whether you help me or not is based on your own feelings because I'm getting to Luffy with or without you. But here take this.

Y/n flings an elevator card at Ivankov.

Y/n: Use it if you need it. See you at the top.

With that Y/n runs to the elevator and takes it back up to the first floor. Once the door opens he sees a horde of guards with weapons drawn and waiting for any escapee prisoners.

RandomGuard: Hey it's Captain Y/n with him on our side we can't lose

RG: Yeah join us sir.

Y/n kicks the random guard knocking him out instantly.

Y/n: Yeah, sorry I got some business with the prisoners none of you can handle.

He then starts picking the guards off one by one hitting each of them in the neck and hearing a sickening crunch afterwards. He is then surrounded by the rest of the guards.

Y/n: Good, make it easier for me.

He then jumps on his hands and starts to spin rapidly cause a strong breeze to slowly draw all the guards toward him.

Y/n: Tempest Hurricane

Once close enough every guard is knocked out all at once. Y/n then sees one guard still conscious and talking on a transponder snail.

RG: I-it's true sir! He's turned traitor and is helping- gah!

??: Sir? Sir?! Come in sir! 

Y/n takes his foot off of the guards neck and picks up the transponder snail and speaks into it.

Y/n: This is Captain Y/n Zel, and I resign from my position. If you, or those disgusting dragons want to kill me, your gonna have to come get me.

He then smashes the shell of the snail, breaking the calling device.

Mini Timeskip

A distant rumbling is heard coming from the stairs. Suddenly the doors burst open and the room is flooded with prisoners trying to escape. They have a lot of hope until they see Y/n sitting on the knocked out guards.

RandomPrisoner1: Damn it we were so close!

RP2: We can take him, let's do it!

RP3: Yeah we are so close and I ain't going back.

Y/n: Would you all shut up I'm not here for any of you clowns I don't care what you do.

They all stand and look at Y/n with shock, that is until a certain fish man enters the scene.

Jinbei: Let's go what's the hold u- Y/n?!

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Jinbei: Let's go what's the hold u- Y/n?!

Y/n: Jinbei, been a while since I've seen you.

Jinbei: What are you doing here?

Y/n: I was looking for Ace but he's already gone so now I'm waiting on Luffy so we can save him together.

Jinbei: He's fighting Magellan right now but he told us to try and get a marine battleship to get to Marineford.

Y/n: Oh really? Well if that's the case I'll join you seeing as we are going to the same place and have the same motive.

RP1: Woah a marine joining us. I never thought I'd see the day.

Y/n: I'm no marine. Not anymore. I'm a wanted deserter of the navy.

Jinbei: So you'll help us then.

Y/n: Sure. Now then, let's get us a ship!

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