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Everyone turned to the direction of the voice. Eri, almost a teen now, stood behind Aizawa who was shielding her.

"She heard the news. She insisted in visiting." Aizawa explained.

"Eri! I'm so glad you're here. Will you be willing to help?" Izuku greeted her.

"Yes! Of course! Anything for Y/n-neesama." Eri confidently replied.

"Papa.." Katsuya jumped back into Katsuki's arms.

Eri noticed the two kids clinging on Katsuki. She smiled and walked towards them, each hand reaching out for the scared twins to hold.

"Hey there! I'm Eri. Y/n-neesama was part of my rescue mission when she was just in UA! She's your mom, right?" Eri asked cheerfully.

Katsuya hid behind Katsuki in fear, while Katsurin stepped in and shielded his twin sister.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm here to help your mother. She once helped me when I was just a bit older than you two, so I'm here to repay that!" Eri pushed her hand near the two.

"A-Are you sure you can help m-my mama?"

"Of course! But I do have a question, do you trust me? Do you trust me and my quirk to make her feel better?" Eri asked.

The twins looked at each other. They both held Eri's hands at the same time.

"I need you both to trust me, okay?"


No one was allowed in the operating room except for the doctors who were monitoring the still unconscious Y/n. Eri and Aizawa were getting dressed into some medical clothes. Eri was going to use her quirk on Y/n, and Aizawa was required to be there to stop the procedure if something bad happens--worse case scenario is that Eri's quirk goes uncontrollable.

On the long chair outside of the operating room, Katsuki sat on the very middle. The twins laid on each side of his lap. His fingers threading through the soft locks off hair of both child.

He noticed how, despite the pointy structure of Katsurin's hair, it was soft that the locks of hair separated easily between his rough fingers.

Katsurin's eyes were puffy from the constant crying. His cheeks were tinted red. He took note of the freckles decorated along his little cheeks. His tiny lips were open a bit, the little bit of drool rolling down to the other end of his lips. Katsuki kept in a chuckle as he continued to play with his hair.


"Mmm.. Katsuki, your hair looks stupid."

"What'd'ya say, you carbon copy of Deku?!"

"Shut up. It's too early for your shit."
Katsuki pressed his mouth into a thin line. He looked down on her sleepy form, eyes barely open. Well, it was still early.

He felt his cheeks burn, and he'd rather be dead than be seen blushing. He hid his face under the covers. Y/n felt the shift of the blanket so she peeked on him.

She moved upwards and pulled him in for a hug. Katsuki just let her do her thing, well, his face is now buried into her soft chest that was barely covered by the thin top she wore to bed. Her fingers started threading through the soft locks of his hair, despite the deformed spiky structure.

"Your hair really looks stupid."

"I hate yours, too. You look like an exact copy of Deku. But with breasts and more freckles. It's like I'm--"

"Dating him?" Y/n joked.

"HELL NO! OVER MY DEAD FUCKING BODY--" He screamed into her chest, which was muffled.

"I never said I hated your hair though..." Y/n trailed off, voice softened as if she was hurt.


"I love your hair. It's one of the things I like about you."

"Stop it with the cheesy shit, Y/n.."


Katsuki's attention was averted to the little girl whose head laid on his other lap.

Katsuya. Her name really suited her. Her mother did a great job giving them great names.

Although Katsuya and Katsurin were basically carbon copies of each other-- just like Y/n and her twin brother Izuku. Their attitudes and behavior are very different.

Katsuya is very well-mannered, timid and shy but very smart.

Katsuki noticed the freckled cheek of Katsuya as his mind trailed off to thoughts of Y/n.

Her cheeks and nose was decorated with tiny freckles. She was a beautiful child, just like her mother. Katsuki and Katsurin's hair were the same, pointed and ash blonde. Katsuya however, got hers from her mother. It was a bit curly, but very soft, that even the rough pads of his fingers and palm could feel the texture of her hair. Katsuki continued to play with it, but careful not to wake them up.

Change For The Better /K.B X R/ (5YL BOOK II)Where stories live. Discover now