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I stumbled out the threshold, holding my hand out for balance. The stupidly high heels I was wearing only made walking harder, I cursed them, but then again the alcohol in my system probably wasn't helping. I noticed the bouncer take Interest as I left the club, his gaze lingering in my ass longer than necessary.
A frustrated sigh left my lips as I made my way away from the club, the music still pounding in my ears.
"Should you be on your own girly?" The large, sweaty, balding man questioned.
It's not like my night could get any worse. I muttered to myself.
The air was cold and fresh, I welcomed it, it washed away the stench of sweat and liquor. The thought making me gag. I took a left heading down a quiet alley in hope it would lead me somewhere familiar. The darkness grew the further from the club I walked. After a few minutes of walking it was clear I was headed in the wrong direction. I gripped the black cocktail dress that clung to my body and willed the material to cover more of my cold skin. I turned again heading in another direction upon hearing music and voices faintly ahead.
"Well what a shit night this turned out to be" I bitterly muttered to myself. It would be just my luck that I will get murdered out here. I looked up to her sky, fully moon I noted.
I kept my pace heading further into another dark alley and almost choked at he sound of heavy footsteps in the distance behind. I quicker my pace, my heels making a loud unsteady impact on the pavement below. I held out my hand, hoping to support myself should I loose my balance. My knuckles made contact with the rough surface of the wall grazing the skin. I cried out at the sudden pain.
I felt wing whip around me before two large hands grabbed me from behind. A scream escaped my lips, breaking through the silent night.
"Daniel get off of me!" I shouted trying to break the grip he had on me.
A loud, angry snarl came from the person behind and I knew instantly that it wasn't daniel holding me in an iron tight grip. I whimpered at the sound, cringing away. But that only angered the person and I felt his grip tighten and his head dip into the crook of my neck inhaling the scent.
I cried out at pain, unable to move from the vice like grip he had on me. I breathed quick short breathes, his scent hitting my nostrils making my whomb spasm and my heads pin. His scent was pure man, musky and earthy. If I wasn't being held the mixture of cocktails and his smell would of sent me to the floor.
He stiffened at my cry, releasing body slightly, enough for me to take advantage and bolt straight ahead.
A snarl broke through the alley and I ran quicker.
"I don't like it when you run from me princess" his voice like liquid honey in my ear. I always moaned at the sound, stopping still as he took ahold of me once again. This time I didn't hold back my screams. I felt him wince behind me, he covered my mouth with his hand and nestled his face into my neck inhaling.
"I won't hurt you princess" he whispered.
Was that meant to be reassuring because it wasn't. I used all the force I had in me to push away from his grip but nothing seemed to move the huge mass of muscle.
"Stop fucking moving" he growled. I stiffened at the fierceness and noticed was were no longer standing in the alley. He was carrying me, one hand over my mouth, the other wrapped around my torso towards a huge black 4x4 . It dawned on me then what was happening and panicked tears brimmed over my eye lids, soft sobs broke from my chest.
"Shhh" he cooed, turning my body around to face his chest, nestling his face into my neck. His chest vibrated against me, clearly enjoying what he smelt.
"What do we have here then" another voice mocked me and I whimpered. He wasn't alone.
"Mine!" The man holding me roared, tightening his grip on me. There was no other noise after that other than shuffling as he carried me into the car, holding me to him on his lap. The car purred to life and I guessed it was the other man driving. Yet to see the face of the man who attacked me, my curiosity peeked and I peered through my wall of hair, pulling myself away from his chest I looked up at him. I took in his chin, his strong jawline that was covered in a short black hair, a sharp nose and big beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He looked down at me, catching my gaze and staring into my eyes. It was then that I felt small, curled up in his lap, his huge frame towering over me. I had no chance against him? I was small, petite and drunk, he was tall, built of muscle and twice my size. I turned away, I didn't want him to see into the depths of my eyes, to see how weak I was compared to him.
"Look at me" he said
I didn't
"I won't ask you again" he said fiercely.
I flinched at the threat and looked up at him again. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen. I felt my womb spasm and clench at the sight of him. I bet woman fell at his feet. He placed his thumb on my chin and tilted my face so he could see into my eyes. He tilted my face to his, his lips closing the distance between us. He tightened his grip on me so I couldn't move away from his advance.
"We are here" a voice broke through the silence.
The man that held me snarled at the interruption and i cringed away from him, trying to create as much distance between us as I could. He only held me tighter.
I watched as several men got out of the car, one of which was sitting next to me. I counted 4 in total, not including the one I was attached to. This was not good. I needed to get away from this man and his entourage. He was clearly the dominant male, much taller and well built. I doubted he would let go of me long enough for me to run.
I twisted a fraction enough to put my hand in my bag that was still attached to me without being seen and grabbed my phone. As he carried me out of the car I took advantage and clicked call on the last person i called from my phone, moving it out of his eyesight. The phone began to ring and I knew I only had seconds before they would notice what I was doing.
It vibrated in my hand as it rang.
"Hello?! Isabelle is that you?! Look I'm sorry" the loud voice answered on the phone.
"Daniel! Help!" I screamed, kicking and fighting the man who's arms I was in.
I heard him snarl as he went for the phone, loosening his grip on me. It was that moment that I was waiting for and I darted from him, not knowing where I was going I ran dropping my phone in the process and heading for the forest in front of me.
An angry roar came from the road behind me as I entered the dense trees, the moonlight the only thing guiding me.

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