Chapter 4: Kuyas

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[Nate's POV]

It's been a while nung napansin ko na my kuyas are acting very strange.... Like they said na they heard something , saw something and felt something...... na super unnatural daw.

My kuyas are all famous in different ways..... like my Kuya Gelo.... He'd become famous because sa sports, especially SA Basketball..... my kuya Mikki got his fame because of his titles in our University.... Kuya aki for his good moral and nice communication skills and lastly kuya JL reached the top because of his intelligence.

So I think they felt weird because their fame suddenly vanished in a blink of an eye?

While me, nothing weirds happening to me because I am a loner person. Actually lately I felt different from my kuyas because no one dares to bully me like before.

My Kuyas are my savior because I've been bullied since my first year and by accident I met my Kuyas.  The reason people kept bullying me because of the why I dress myself... they said na I am copying Kuya Mikki na during that time hindi ko pa siya kilala, and the way I act is like a 'lampa' sabi ng iba. That is the some of the reasons why I've been bullied here.

I suddenly remembered yung moments when I met my Kuyas and their reaction when they first saw me....



"Lampa! Tumayo dyan!", said by the man that kept on kicking. I have no strength to fight back because I have no rights to do bad things to other people....

More feet had join and start to kick me in an unbroken pattern..... I can feel that any moment I will vomit some blood because of the beating I am experiencing now....

Is this the life I need to go through?

"Hoy Ano Ginagawa niyo dyan?!", I heard a shout nearby....but I cannot see it clearly who shouted because my vision is very blurry now.....

All I can heard there is a fight currently happening but, I am too tired to try to focus my vision to know what's happening........ I just closed my eyes and let the darkness completely swallow me.....

"Diba na~~~~~~~"

I regained my consciousness because of the noise that I've been hearing. But I was shocked when I opened my eyes to see myself in the clinic...

"Ohh gising na siya", the tallest man approached me and called the other people.... Are they the one who shouted earlier?

"Ohh if you're wondering what happened to those idiots, look at your left because I gave them what they deserve", the guy who spoke to me was the one who wear differently from his friends.

When I look at my left.... My eyes were wide open because of shock! These faces are the one who beaten me earlier and They were now all beaten to a pulp?!... and he is saying he beat these all by himself?

"Ohh ayos ka na ba? Need ba namin tawagin sila ate nurse?", this time a half Japanese look person asked me.....

"Ohh, I am fine, actually, no need to worry about it", I shortly reply.

"Sh** guys Englishero gaya mo Mikki! Tapos may accent pa! Patay tayo dyan", the man spoke again while pointing the guy who wear differently... so he is Mikki? Base from what I heard..... Mikki is The King of Fashion and Iron Tiger Fist of our University? No wonder these guys beaten to a pulp... they are no match to Mikki by the way....

"Sorry, mas sanay kasi akong mag English hehehe", I apologize..

"Ohhh no need, itong si Aki lang 'di magaling sa English,", the singkit one suddenly spoke and point out that the named Aki wasn't good at communicating through English?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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