August 2nd 2016

657 9 9

Atticus didn't go with you to school, in fact he didn't go to school at all today. 

you couldn't stop worrying that something bad may have possibly happened to him. Melanie and the rest of your new friends had no idea what had happened to him, if anything. 

Exept Rory. Rory thought that he may have tripped over his bath mat, hit his head on the bath and was unconcious, but that would be stupid and of course debra-jo agreed. like of course it's stupid! no one hits their head on a bath! Ever! 

the school day finished and you're grandma came to pick you up. 

'have you seen atticus? at all?' you said, panicking and almost crying. your grandma took your hand and told you to take a deep breath. you did. it calmed you down a little bit. 

'i don't think atticus is going to be coming to school for a little while.' she said, simpithetically.

'what do you mean? what happened?!' you said, starting to freak out. 'did anything happen to him!' 

'no he's not hurt,' she replied. 

'can i see him.. please..' you asked. 

'i mean, you're really not supposed to..'

'PLEASE!!!' you shouted, almost begging. you just had to make sure he was alright. 

'okay fine.' she said as she drove home. 


when you got to atticus' house you knocked on the door. His ya-ya was the one who opened it, not atticus. her eyes were all puffy. she looked like she had been crying. 

'please.. i need to see atticus..' you said in a desprate tone. she nodded and you bolted up the stairs. 

you knocked on atticus' bedroom door.

 'im sorry ya-ya, please go away, i need some time to be alone..' he said from the other side of the door, in a soft yet shaky voice. 

'Atticus, it's not your ya-ya, it's me, y/n'

there was no response so you just went in anyway. 

when you stepped into the room, your heart instantly dropped. 

the curtians were closed up, not letting any light through, and atticus lay there on his bed, shaking and crying his eyes out. 

you ran up to him.

'Atticus, what's the matter?? what's wrong..' you said, reaching for his hand, but he instantly pulled away. 'go.. please go.. i can't let you see me like this..' he said, sobbing. 

you pulled him up so he was sat up right, his face was really puffy and red, he looked like he had been crying a lot. you reached over to hug him, you layed him down so he was lying down next to you, his head berried just under your chin. you held him tightly and soothed his hair. 

'its okay... ive got you.. im going to stay here with you for as long as you need.. feel free to talk when you're ready, and if you're not, don't worry about it. i'm always going to be here for you, to comfort you and to be there for you' you said, burrying your face in his hair, just a little bit. 

you felt him snuggle up to you and hug you tightly, he began sobbing again.

'sshhh.. its okay.. nothing is going to hurt you.. everything is going to be alright..' you said, and without thinking, kissed his forehead. 

'y/n, im sorry you have to deal with this...' 

'atticus, it's okay.. you have nothing to be sorry about, but could you tell me what happened?' 

he paused for a munite until he finally spoke. 

'my dad got into a car accident and now he's in critical condition and i'm pectrified he might die...' he said as he cried into your school shirt. you held him again, and again soothing his hair. 

'i'm so sorry..' you said, kissing his forehead again. 

he then cried again. 

you took his face in the palm of your hand and wiped away one of his tears with your sleeve. 

his face shriveled up again as he continued to sob. 

he's always been really close to his dad.. he would always talk about how him and his dad would go on all these amazing trips together when he was younger. he couldn't even imagine ever loosing him. 

you brought the blanket up to cover both of you and pulled him in for another hug. 

'im going to stay here with you and protect you all night, and i promise you, i'm not letting go..' you said, about to cry. 

'thank you..' he replied, his voice still shaky. 

Atticus x reader (little lunch)Where stories live. Discover now