Part 12

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Part 12- break up second last chap

They went to office normally, but the ride was silent rather awkward. She cannot work with him anymore , dynamics have changed. She thought she can continue to be partner but she cant her feelings are to deep. She will talk to chief today.
"Sir.. approve Priti request of she and Aryan being partners. I need partnee change" she said seriously.
"Is all ok?" He asked
"Yes please sir if you can do soon as possible . Infact from today itself"
"Hmm ok choice is yours. Will let Priti and Aryan know." She did her salute and took her leave.

She got page from chief in an hour, "Yes sir?"
She looked there was a guy sitting on chair. "We have a case, and this young man will be your partner" he turned around and got up , "Cyrus" shaking his hand "Imlie " smiling politely.

Aryan wasnt around yet not sure how he will take the news. Cyrus and her briefed up about the case outside . They decided to go now and check out the place. It was case about gang member who recently been going on killing spree. They knew their hideouts of course they werent going to get them there but better to check out the place. Her phone rang maybe 50 times while drove, she knew it was from him.

She parked the car, excused herself and got outside, "Hello"
"What the hell Imlie!! You just changed the partner ? So easy for you!! I see "
"It wasnt easy but it has to be done Aryan be practical"
"Yes i will be practical i dont even know why i called you. Hell with you. " he cut the phone.

How dare he cut the phone on me, she dialed his number, he didnt pick so she kept calling him he finally picked up, "What?"
"I cannot give yous satisfaction of cutting the phone" and now she cut the phone. She feels satisfied. She smiled and sat back, "Sorry " looking over Cyrus. He smiled .

At night, when she reached home Priti was there in the living room with Aryan. They were watching movie, she could feel jealousy rising up in her. She went into her room banging the door loudly. She changed the clothes, she wore her shorts and top. She went out and made noodles. Priti said they had ordered food but Imlie politely denied. "Sharam hi nai isko" gritting her teeth, he doesnt care , koi farak nai padh raha aur mein yaha jalan!! Ughhh these thoughts kept running in her mind. She banged utensils ,letting him know her emotions openly. Priti looked at her weirdly she asked Aryan something who answered her back.

After the movie ended, she left finally. Imlie took a deep breath and exhaled. He came and sat next to her, "Want to talk?" She shook her head, she was still mad.
"It seems you do"
"Use roka kyu nai? Ek din bhi nai laga na for you to switch?" She sneered at him.
"Imlie.. she is the one who insisted. I am being polite"
"Polite? Why dont you make her sit on your lap. She was this close"
"Why does it matter to you anyways? We are going our way right?" He asked

"Yes but you dont care Aryan that hurts you just swtiched off so fast" she got up fisting her hand.
"Imlie" she raised her hand to stop
"No need. Anyways you wont have inconvenience from my end anymore , i will be moving out" he grabbed her hand and said, "You wont leave this house get it? Its our house!"
"We are roomates, it will now yours only" she released her hand.
"Listen to me ,i wont let you"
"Oh yea? Why dont you get it!! It hurts me" she hit his chest, tears threatning to spill.
"It hurts! " she fell on her knees.
Same time her pager went off, she got up qickly wiping her eyes and left without saying anything.

Aryan was worried sick when she didnt come at night. Yes their night hours are dicey but now his feelings are coming in his way. Since she is not with him as partner he feels restless, always worrying about her.  He tried calling but she didnt pick up , she finally came around 2 am . She looked tired, some blood on her shirt.

"Imlie, oh my god blood" he was tensed
"Am fine" brushing his hands off from her shoulder and went inside her bedroom without looking at him. He knocked, "Imlie... i have been waiting for you" he said
"Did i tell you to?" she replied from the room
"Why are you talking like that?" He was getting annoyed now.
"I am tired. Goodnight" she said
He sighed and sat on sofa with head in his hand. Not sure anymore what he can do, he doesnt want to get married because of his parents. He had always decided that in his life he thought Imlie would understand. But he also knows how much family means to her. He misses his fights with her, he misses her bickering . Its a mess in his head right now.

Imlie was tired, the case wasnt complicated but she almost nabbed that gang member today. The blood on shirt wasnt hers, it was from tussle. She packs her bags, she will leave tonight, atleast she wont have to see him unless they collide at office. She waited until he went to sleep. Around 4 am she left , leaving keys and advance rent payment on the table. She took his watch that was on table, something for her to hold on to.

She called the cab, and went to only place she knows. Sister Agnes opened the door suprised to see Imlie at this hour. Imlie requested that she will stay until she gets place to stay. She was escorted to small room with few kids sleeping. She smiled remembering her own days. She laid down  next to small girl. She was adorable. She slept staring at her innocence.

                         1 year later

Life took 360 degree turn in Imlie life. Her daughter, Ivaani came running to her . "Mama" hugging her tight "I missed you" kissing her cheeks.
"I missed you too baby but mama has to work so you can get your doll house" Ivaani nodded. Her Nanny Mrs. Fernandes smiled, "Imlie take rest beta, i will put her to sleep" Imlie nodded and handed Ivaani to her.

She retreated to her room , changing her clothes and sat on bed. Imlie had adopted the same girl from the orphanage, atleast this family she could have. Aryan was angry when she had left but at office he didnt even say a word nor even looked at her. She didnt bother either. After few months, she requested transfer to Delhi which was granted eventually. She left overnight, with Ivanni who was 3 years old that time. Now she is four, it's unconventional the way they two are. But she doesnt care, she gave the dream of marriage the day Aryan said no. It was just and her Ivaani, her heartbeat. She deleted his number nor he ever called her. Infact one week ago she changed her number. Some stories are better to be left incomplete. Ivaani never asked her about dad, and she never let her feel any less. Small hand touching her cheeks take her every sorrow, worry away.

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