"Oh she left." Klaus spoke up, breaking eye contact from his sister and pulling up himself to sit on the kitchen table.

Octavia wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and coughed one last time.

Five walked in, glancing quizzically at the scene before him before continuing his search for something.

They all stood in uncomfortable silence before Five decided to speak up.

"That's unfortunate. An entire square block. Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, and not a single drop of coffee."

"Dad hated caffeine."Allison said, crossing her arms in confusion.

"Yeah well he hated children too and he had plenty of us."

Octavia let out a shattered laugh and Klaus smiled at her, sweat dripping down his back.

She had already forgiven him for what he had done to her, perhaps even before he did it.

They had both done worse things after all.

"I'm taking the car." Five began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Klaus asked.

Five looked back at his younger brother, "To get a decent cup of coffee."

"Do you even know how to drive?" Allison had started to trail Five.

"I know how to do everything," And with that Five teleported away to who knows where.

Interrupting the start of what might have been an inspiring speech from Klaus, Diego sauntered into the room.

"Alright, see you guys in, what, ten years when Pogo dies?"

"Not if you die first." Allison smirked at her brother.

"Love you too, sis." 

"Good luck on your next film, hope it turns out better than your marriage, huh?" That snide comment earned a 'ooo' from Klaus and a half-hearted smirk from Octavia as Allison stalked away.

'Oh, are we leaving?" Klaus asked, as he noticed his brother heading out the door.

"No, I'm leaving, me, by myself." Diego walked back to his siblings and hauled his sister up off the floor.

"Oh fabulous, I'll get my things!"


Minutes later, Octavia was being dragged along towards Diego's car, apparently neither of her brothers wanted to put up with each other alone. 

She was border-line chucked into the back of the car, knocking the wind out of her, as Klaus shuffled into the seat next to her.

The car had an overpowering smell of cheap cologne. 

The engine of the car turned over, and Octavia was lurched forward as it drove off.

Don't vomit in your brothers car, don't vomit in your brothers car, he'll be so angry at you don't do it.

The car came to a sudden stop near a river flowing through the middle of the city, and Octavia closed her eyes as they threatened to roll back in her head.

Octavia managed to focus her bleary eyes on Diego and was muttering to herself as Klaus muttered to Ben.

"No, too late for eggs.. waffles? You like waffles don't you?" Klaus said loudly enough to cut through Octavia's thoughts.

"Yeah, Ben likes waffles." She offered up, still gazing at Diego as he slouched his way back into the drivers seat.

Klaus leaned forward to hold Diego's shoulders.

"We have decided on... drumroll please..." Octavia and Ben (although he couldn't be heard) drum-rolled on the back of the seat.

"Waffles!" Klaus excitedly said.

"I'm gonna drop you off at the bus stop. I gotta get back to work." Diego shut down Klaus' excitement.

Klaus' face had fallen in a dishearteningly sad way. "What, breaking bones and cracking skulls?"

"Saving lives baby." Diego replied, a smirk dancing on the corners of his lips.

Octavia, in her drunken state, almost mentioned the fact that her brother had been fired from the police force months ago, but stopped herself just in time, clapping her hand over her mouth in an almost comical gesture.

Klaus looked quizzically at his sister and laughed, his head leaning back against the car headrest.

"Well guess its frozen waffles again." 

When she turned her head to talk back to her brother, she saw Ben.

Not her brother as he once was, or as he appeared to her other brother now, but her brother in his final moments, the moments that He used to haunt her.

Ben's limbs were contorted in unnatural angles, frozen in the throes of his final struggle against the monstrous entity that claimed his life. His eyes, once filled with so much life and laughter they could overflow with love, pierce through the veil of the living revealing his suffering and anguish in the widened lids, his pupils so small with fear they could barely be seen. The most striking feature was the gaping wound in his abdomen, where the tentacle monsters appendage had plunged through his flesh. The wound is a grotesque tear through the fabric of his spectral form, constantly oozing a faint mist.

Octavia screamed when she felt a hand rest on her knee.

"Via, its okay. Calm down. It's not real." Diego spoke through the ringing in her ears, his voice level and quiet. 

He moved his thumb back and forth on her knee in a soothing motion, while Klaus looked on, slightly afraid.

Diego looked in her eyes one more time before turning back to face the wheel and beginning to drive. Octavia looked at where Ben had been, but only Klaus was there, grinning at her cautiously.

Dysphoria- An Umbrella Academy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now