Getting used to things

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Coby POV:

I'm ignoring adam because of last night. I didn't feel good after that. I felt off. I went to Jake and yes I know he pushed me in but I mean he probably thought Adam knew what he was doing but he didn't.

Also Adam didn't put lube on me and I didn't like it. So I went to Jake and talked to him about it then he said sorry for his actions and we both walked around the school.

We both talked and I felt more comfortable then the bell rang but then Jake told me he going to the restroom.

While I went to class and Of course Jake wanted to get out of the first 30 minutes of class because he doesn't like Navajo because of the teacher.

Sometimes I force him to go to class and we got in trouble once because they thought we were doing something else. But he makes excuses also too But we don't sit together anymore.

The damn teacher moved him and they don't like each other. It quite funny but not really. It sucks though. We usually talk about gay stuff with Brayden and Kelaigha.

Kelaigha's POV:

I saw coby sitting at his and I sat in front of him. That's where I usually sit at and it sucks not to see Jake because that little shit Julian had to get switch with Jake.

Because he was talking to his friend and Jake wasn't talking and she didn't like him sitting by us so she moved him.

But we get to hangout. Not as much tho. Every single time when I hangout with him I get taken away by someone and I hated it when someone did that.

One time someone grabbed me while me and Jake were laughing and I saw Jake looking at me then just walked off on his phone.

Not gonna lie. I actually didn't care at first then I saw him go to ashlei. I kinda got jealous because me and him hangout a lot but I leave him out.

After that, his been hangout with her. So yeah. Anyways I'm in class listening and paying attention.

After class

Jake's POV:
After class, I wait for ashlei so we can go and walk around I saw Kelaigha walk out with her friends. I just ignore it because people leave me out so yeah.

But I at least have ashlei !  She's the only friend who understands me and I understand her too. We talk about yaoi a lot too.

I trust her and she trustest me. Plus she supports me. I saw Ashlei and I walked up to her then the rest of the morning we walk around the school.

Then the bell rang and we went to reading. I gotta say. Reading is boring but I just go on my phone and the teacher kinda doesn't care although so it's ok.

After entering the class and sitting down I go on my phone and text coby to see if he was available.


~•On snapchat•~

Me:Hey coby you available?

Coby: Yeah why? Something happen?

Me:uh nah just bored how's you and your boyfriends? You can see you can walk I see. Your lucky he didn't go that hard on you lmao-

Coby: At least I get bitches not like you all alone. LOL

Me: Shut up, anyways eat during lunch with me and ashlei?

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