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Adam's POV:
"I'll go first, hello my name is Adam l, everyone knows me but Jake's new so that's my name, and I have a boyfriend, I play games with my friends and other people too. Also I'm bisexual."

Kaleil's POV:
"I'll go next, Hi my name is Kaleil but you can call me kio or other names. I'm fine with whatever you call me, same thing as Adam I play games, play basketball, and play football. My boyfriend is Adam. Also I'm pansexual"

Coby's POV:
"I guess it's my turn, You already know my name, you can call me anything but sometimes I will get offended, Jake likes to assault me with names that I don't like, I play games ,hike ,do cross country with jake, play football,basketball , and I'm bisexual."

Jake's POV:
"Hi my name is Jake. Again you call me anything im fine with it, Also yes i love to assault Coby, I play games, skateboard, hike, do cross country, play volleyball, play basketball,flag football, tackle football,and I'm gay."


I been feeling ill and i been sick today i'll try and post more if i can, if i feel better but i'll try my best! I'll be adding new people my classmates, i ask before i put them in there. But i have a good day'/night!

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