Chapter 22 - original

Start from the beginning

"Yeah ... I should have warned ... I always forget ..." Walker #0 said when he saw us dizzy. "You will get used to it over time." He replied to the look of death that Walker had served on him #71619.

I sat down and drank the water Walker #0 offered us. It really helped with the dizziness, by re-stabilizing the world around me. "Well, what did you want to talk about?" Walker #0 asked seriously. "How is it that only wal -" Walker #62894 began to say but I dropped her from the chair (oops?).

 "We just want to know what happened before, with the water and that." I said and out of the corner of my eye I saw Walker #62894 sending me a hostile look as she sat back in her chair. Walker #0 seemed to expect this question but very much hoped not to be asked.

 "I think it would be better for Walker #81454 to tell -" he began to say but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and a head with black hair appeared. "I heard my name. You gossip about me? You gossip about me. Why do you gossip about me?" Walker #81454 said while sitting next to me and Walker #0. "We did not gossip about you, we just asked Walker #0 how it is that only you have such powers - I meant, we asked how and what happened before." Walker #62894 stuttered under the glare of be-careful-or-you-will-die I gave her (I'm not saying I'll. Probably they will).

 Walker #81454 froze in place. Maybe we should not have ruined the inexplicable and irrational joy she had 5 seconds ago as if what had happened before had not really happened.

 She pulled out a necklace and started fiddling with it as she tried to find the right words to say. "You - you do not have to tell us if you do not want, we were just curious ..." I said quickly, although I really wanted to know, to see her lost like that was the last thing I wanted.

"No, it's okay. How can you not be curious? Suddenly I have powers you did not know ... maybe I actually even wanted you to ask, who knows?" She replied, coming back to herself a little.

 "Let's see ... where it starts ..." She closes her eyes, as if she remembers something. "Are you sure -" Walker #0 said anxiously but Walker #81454 interrupted him (again). "Yes Alan, I'm sure." It was a few seconds before she started telling.

"Some time ago, during one of the trainings, that Alan forced me to do by the way, I, Alan and Yordan was training. There were a few others who learned to park or shoot at training dolls, of course, but there were not many at the time. So during the break someone learned to aim a rifle, And he was bad at it, and even during training I looked apprehensively every few minutes. At one point I looked just in time to see something like 8 shots about to pierce us into small pieces. Out of instinct I reached forward to protect my face and prepared for injury. It did not come, and when I opened my eyes I saw A wall made of water stood in front of me that protected us from the gunfire, and the bullets just floated halfway through the water. And since then we have developed my ability and learned to create water, instead of just moving it from place to place like then, which I took from the pool, and since then we have developed my ability and learned to create water, instead of just moving it from place to place like then, which I took from the pool, "Walker #81454 opened her palm, and water just appeared and merged into a ball. After a second the water came out of the ball in a wide arc until it entered her (empty) glass. "Or disappear water." She continued and with her hand moving upwards, a small stream of water rose slightly, as a result of the movement probably, but then the water disappeared.

As if they were never created in the first place.

"Ah - you - how ... what ?!" This is what Walker #62894 managed to say after half a minute of complete silence. It totally summed up what I think of it now. Questions, opinions, thoughts, and a million other things went through my mind like an explosion of explosives.

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