Chapter 21 - original

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Walker #62894 

 "Boo!" Someone screamed. I immediately got up to a sitting position with my own scream. The last day has been stressful. I saw Walker #71619, and Walker #62691 laughing, with tears in their eyes.

 "Enough already! I hate when you do that! Why today?" I shouted at them but could not hide a small smile. I saw Walker #80485 shake her head in disbelief, and it was pretty clear she was a victim of this prank a few minutes ago.

My eyes somehow wandered to where Walker #81454 slept. She was sleeping soundly, with headphones on, and it annoyed me that she was still asleep. At least they are not ...

 Oh my god.

 Walker #62691 saw I was guessing what was going to happen, and he grabbed Walker #71619's arm, and started running. Walker #71619 started laughing again and pressed a button.

"Emergency, get up already!" Even I heard those words through her headphones. She screamed and got up almost faster than the speed of light. "what was that?!" She said in a startled voice, still panting. She took off her headphones and stared at them for a while. Then she looked at me, and then at Walker #80485.


 We are gone.

 We are so gone.

Walker #62691, and Walker #71619, I promise you both, you are so going to regret what you did right now.

"Oh, you did not do that now." She said in a freezing voice. By the second day I met her, I knew two things about her.

 One, she is a very calm person, listen, and love to help everyone.

 Two, you must not wake her unless you want to die.

"It was Walker #62691 and Walker #71619." Walker #80485 said in a startled voice. I nodded. "They are sleeping." She said in the same tone. They are what?

 Literally, my jaw dropped as soon as I saw it.

 Walker #62691 and Walker #71619 slept, and looked completely innocent. We tried to explain to Walker #81454 what really happened, but we could not say more than two sentences. I must say, Walker #80485 charity. She really does look scary when you wake her up.

"Wait a moment." Walker #80485 said and smiled. She walked quietly towards Walker #71619, and began to tickle her. "Ah! No no no, stop!! Please!" She said between laughter and tried to run away. Walker #62691 tried to escape, but Walker #71619 (who managed to escape) caught him.

 In short, Walker #81454 slapped each of them (also in my name and Walker #80485), and threatened them that if they did it again, we would throw 10,000 potatoes at them (no, we are not really exaggerating).

Although the three of us (Walker #81454, Walker #80485 and I) were very nervous about them, we somehow behaved as usual. I just could not be angry with them and hated it. After what happened we went to the meeting room, that's what we called it (where they talked about their specialties, according to what they explained to me), to ask Walker #0 if it was really over, and a few other things that seemed strange to us.

 But apparently we still looked pretty angry because Walker #0 asked us what was wrong (Walker #62691 and Walker #71619 told what happened, laughing hysterically).

"Alan!" Someone teleported next to him. He was wearing a black military garment, probably bulletproof, with lots of pockets and mostly, lots of ammunition, which explained the huge black-and-blue rifle he was holding, which was about 40 centimeters in size. The mask he wore would look like it was made of iron or something else hard. He had no hood.

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