We walk to the car get in and I give him directions of course he play his lil gangsta music and he be singing it to me it kinda be cute we finally headed to the destination and got out we were greeted by the the ushers and then we saw the bishop

"Yasmine..Yasmine Braxton Edmonds is that you" bishop jakes said

"Yes sir it is me"

"Oh my god I haven't seen you since you were like 12 you have grown up so much how are your parents doing where are they" he said

"Well I don't live with my parents currently so I couldn't tell you how there doing or where they are they don't know I'm here" I said

"Oh well Tell them bishop jakes said hi and they need to stop hiding from the chruch" he said

"Will do"

"Who is this young man" he said looking nyzeir up and down

"This is my boyfreind nyzeir"

"Nice to meet you bishop"

"Nice to meet you son hope you treating this girl right"

"Of course nothing but the best for her" nyzeir said

"Well bishop we're gonna find our seats" I said

"You gone and do that now ima have a good Sermand today" he said

Me and nyzeir sat down it felt so weird for both of us this the first time I had been to chruch in a long time and I think this is nyzeir's 3rd time going we were sitting thru the singing of the choir they were singing my favorite gospel song in the middle of the song the bishop made a announcement

"We have a very special guest Yasmine Braxton Edmonds is here the daughter of the legendary Toni Braxton and Kenny Edmonds as a little girl this used to be her favorite chruch song yasmine come up here and join us" he said

I was suprised he asked me too sing I was so nervous I haven't sung infront of people in a long time I don't even think nyzeir knows I can sing I got up on stage and started to sing my heart out

"Now behold the Lamb
The Precious Lamb of God
Born into sin that I may live again
He's the precious Lamb of God
When I always didn't do right
I went left, He told me to go right
But I'm standing right here
In the midst of my tears, Lord
I thank You to be the Lamb of God
Thank You for the Lamb (thank You for the Lamb of God)
The Precious Lamb of God (You are the Lamb of God)
Because of Your grace
I can finish this race
The Precious Lamb of God (Lamb of God)
Even when I broke, broke Your heart
My sins tore us apart
But I'm standing right here
In the midst of my tears
I claim You to be the Lamb of God"

When I finished I realized I was crying I didn't even know everybody was applauding

"Thank you everybody god bless" I said Bowing

I got off stage and went to the car nyzeir ran out after me

"Baby what's wrong" he said while hugging me

"I don't know it's just me and mom used to sing that song all the time I don't know I guess I miss her them all of em" I said while crying

"Princess stop the tears it's ok to miss your family you need to go see them it's been two weeks I know they miss you too especially peyton you two are sisters your like bestfreind talk to them bae" he said wiping my tears

"Ok I will soon" I said

"Can we just go eat now" I said

"Of course" he said

He started driving away from the church and to mr chows

"I didn't know you could sing like that baby you sound amazing" he said rubbing my leg

Life as Yasmine (Toni Braxton's daughter)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن