my drafts!!!

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So i dont think ill ever finish this book so ill just post my 3 drafts atleast and you guys can imagine the rest?? 😘 many of them are just like a paragraph so you guys can use these ideas if you want idk,  yea im sorry abt this 😱


Chifuyu had been in a toxic relationship for about four months now. His boyfriend, Ichiro (ik i just googled names ok) has been caught cheating a few times already. Chifuyu is scared that Ichiro might do something to him if he breaks up with him. Baji only found out recently, and of course he won't let Ichiro hurt Chifuyu for much longer.


Kazutora haven't been able to interact in any sexual activity (BYE- whys that so funny😭) in a few weeks, as the pet shop has been extremely busy. They were short on employee's so late nights at the pet shop had consumed all of their time. Chifuyu was finally able to find two new employees, so he just finished their job interviews.

He sat alone in the office, trying to take advantage of the free time to just rest. He sighed when he heard the door open and close. Chifuyu kept his eyes on the ceiling as he heard footsteps approach him. Suddenly he felt someone sitting on top of him, this making him look up.

He calmed at the sight of it just being his boyfriend Kazutora. Kazutora let his legs hang off the side of the chair. He rested his face in the crook of Chifuyu's neck. Chifuyu smiled, he missed being able to have any kind of free time with Kazutora. He wrapped his arms around Kazutora.

Kazutora moved his head up to kiss Chifuyu. At first it was innocent but it started to get more needy. Chifuyu slipped his tongue through Kazutora's lips. Kazutora moved his hands through Chifuyu's hair. Their tongue's entwined and moved in sync.

They heard footsteps approaching the office, making them quickly pull away. Kazutora got up quickly with an upset face, them both fixing their hair and clothes. "Hey boss, sorry for not knocking!" The employee, Etsuko, apologized. "Hopefully I didn't interrupt anything-" She said while scratching her neck nervously. Chifuyu got up. "Oh uh.. You didn't. Anyway, what do you need?"

Etsuko and Chifuyu left the office to go fix the issue. Kazutora grumpily walked off to go find something he could do.

-timeskip||two hours later-

Kazutora has been waiting to go home and spend time with Chifuyu. They finally had a day off tomorrow and Chifuyu left him more needy than before. Chifuyu approached Kazutora as he just finished putting away a bag of cat food. "You ready to go home?" Kazutora smiled, turning around to hug Chifuyu. He nodded into Chifuyu's shoulder. The ravenette hugged his boyfriend back.

Chifuyu managed to get Kazutora into the car with many protests. The car ride felt like forever to Kazutora. He was so desperate for Chifuyu, he knew that he needed to be patient though. Excitement bubbled within Kazutora when they pulled into the driveway. He contained himself as they walked through the door.

Chifuyu moved to kiss Kazutora like he did two hours ago. They moved to their bedroom still kissing. Kazutora pushed Chifuyu onto the bed and sat on top of him. Chifuyu removed both of their shirts and brought Kazutora's lips back to his, cupping his boyfriends face. Kazutora entangled his fingers in Chifuyu's hair.

Chifuyu flipped them over and pinned Kazutora to the headboard. Kazutora removed his pants and boxers. Chifuyu smiled before removing his own pants. He moved to retrieve a bottle of lube that sits in their bedside table. Kazutora shivered with anticipation.

The ravenette lathered his fingers with lube. He moved closer to Kazutora, practically on top of him. Chifuyu smiled down at Kazutora, he really did miss being able to spend alone time with Kazutora. Not even sexually, just in general. Kazutora's heart swooned when Chifuyu smiled at him, he shyly smiled back.

Chifuyu bent down and left lazy kisses on Kazutora's neck. "I missed you," Chifuyu whispered into his boyfriend's ear. "I missed you too." He managed to breathe back.

Kazutora gasped in surprise when he felt a finger enter him. Chifuyu thrusted in two fingers, earning small moans. He started to spread his fingers apart. Chifuyu felt that the older man was prepared so he pulled out his fingers. He then readied himself to thrust in his member.

A shaky moan cut through the air, the sound of more pleasured noises and skin contact soon following.  


Naoto was reading in his room when his ringtone cut through the air. He sighed and placed his book down, reaching for his phone. Seeing it was Takemichi, he quickly answered. "Hey Naoto," Takemichi's voice sounded nervous. "Hello." Naoto already knew that Takemichi failed, though it seemed that the older had something else to say as well. Most likely intel, Naoto thought.

"I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead."

"Is it alright if we talk in person? I don't want to run away again.." Takemichi whispered the last part but Naoto could still hear it. "Sure, you can come to my house, I don't have work today." Takemichi agreed and hung up.

About ten minutes later the officer's doorbell rang. He put his book and phone on the bedside table and went to let Takemichi in. "Hi.." He scratched his neck, avoiding eye contact with Naoto. Naoto moved to the side and let Takemichi in. Naoto got tea to run and they sat down in the living room.

"Please try and look at this from my point of view first and.. I'm very sorry." Takemichi started, staring at the hard wood floor. Naoto readied himself, waiting for what the other had to say. The older sighed before continuing, "I'm tired of seeing everyone around me die. I know it's natural but I can't help but blame myself."

"Knowing that I had the chance to save them but failed really hurts y'know?" Naoto felt guilty at Takemichi's words. "But that's not the main point that I came here for." The officer started to get a bit worried, he guessed that the main point was worse.

"Uh so basically.. I," Takemichi found it hard to continue, feeling extremely guilty. He had a lump in his throat, stopping him from continuing. Suddenly the older felt a hand be placed on his arm. The touch soothed him enough to find the strength to continue.

"I fell out of love with Hina!" Takemichi threw his head back and covered his face with his hands. "I don't know if I can do this anymore.." His words were muffled by his hands. Naoto went to speak but Takemichi cut him off.

He sat up straight and looked somewhere other than the floor and his palms. "I didn't want to disappoint you but I feel like the right thing to do is to just let Hina rest."

yea thats it but like im genuinally thikngking abt writing kny oneshots but i dont think id ever finish anything hhefuheriukese bye!!

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