𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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I am sleeping at Peter's house because every Friday I sleepover here. May doesn't get home until 1900 (7:00 pm) on Fridays, so that gives Peter and I some time to have fun ;)

I wake up with a wave of nausea, and I sprint to the bathroom, one hand on my mouth, the other on my stomach. I empty out whatever was in my stomach, when all of a sudden I feel someone behind me rubbing my back. I turn around to see May. 

"Y/n, thats the fourth time this week, are you okay? " May asks, with a concerned look on her face.

"Im fine, I probably just have a stomach bug." I say, I open the drawer to get a hair-tie, and I see the box of tampons. Oh shit.

My mind is racing with thoughts: Am I pregnant? Is Peter going to leave me? My dad's going to kill me! I get ahold of myself, and I quickly close the drawer.

"May, can I tell you something? And you have to promise not to get mad." I say, starting to tear up.

"Of course, I'm here for you, always." She says, sitting down next to me, and grabbing my hand.

"I might... be pregnant." I tell her, choking back the tears. There is some silence before she replies.

"Oh honey, it's going to be okay. I'm here for you, and whatever decision you choose to make." She reassures me, and brings me into a tight hug. I start crying, I could hold it anymore.

"I'm sorry, it was a stupid thing to do, I mean we are only 16. What if my dad kicks me out, what if-" I get interuppted by her,

"No, don't be sorry, we all make bad decisions, some worse than others" She lets out a small chuckle, "And your dad loves you too much to kick you out. And plus, I'm always here, and the door is always open. Always." She says, helping me up.

"Thank you." I say, I am so grateful to have May. When all of a sudden I hear Peter behind me say,

"Y/n, are you crying- whats wrong?" He looks at me with a concerned face. I look at May, and she gives me the look 'you have got to tell him' on her face. I look back at Peter.

"Peter, I have something to tell you and you have to promise not to freak out." I say, cupping his face in my hands. 

"Y/n, your worrying me." He says, putting his hands on mine.

"I think.. I'm pregnant." I tell him, expecting the worse.

"Really?" He asks, his face is lit up.

"Yes." I say, not sure how he is going to react.

"OH MY GOD!" He freaks out, he pulls me into a super tight hug, and kissing me. "Im going to be a dad?!" He says happily.

I smile, "Yes." I'm relieved he is happy. I look back at May, who is crying.

"I love you so much, I'm here for you." Peter tells me, and going over to May, "I am going to be a dad!" He tells her, and she nods. Peter hugs May, and it's the cutest things ever.

*You and May go and get the test from a local shop. And once you get back home, you take the test.*

Peter and I wait anxiously for the timer to go off that determines our whole future. After another minute the timer beeps, Peter looks at you,

"Ready?" He asks me,

"Ready." I tell him, he flips over the test,

It's positive. 

Peter Parker x Y/N Stark: Pregnancy StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang