"So tell us about yourself beautiful." I turned to face the voice and found it was of course Zayn.

"Well theres not much to tell. I'm 16, I have an older brother named Tyler he's 18, I love baton, cheerleading, gymnastics, art, music, dancing, singing, Black Veil Brides and of course I love you guys."

"Wow you're into alot of stuff!"

"Ya I guess."

I yawned.

"You tired?"


"Well you can stay here on the bus for a few nights if you want."

"Sure that would be awesome!"

We talked for about another hour untill everyone went to bed I just curled into the couch and drifted off to sleep.


What the hell was she doing just standing in the middle of the road like that?! She was beautiful and I could already tell I really liked her. Liam came out of his bunk and sat next to me.

"So Zayn since you are the only one here that can concentrait on something other than carrots, Nandos, and how pretty Lacey is what do you think we should do about her?"

"I honestly dont know Liam. She could come on tour with us but Idk what Uncle Si would say about it."

"Thats a good idea but you're right about Uncle Si."

We fell into silence after that, both of us thinking of what we were going to do with Lacey, personally I wanted her to come with us she just had this one thing about her that made me want to hold her and keep her safe from the world.

Oh god what is this girl doing to me?


Fuck! Omg he is going to fuckin kill me! Hes flippin huge! Oh god I have to get out of here! Um maybe I could.....nope.....maybe...no.....gah! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my flacking god!

"Dude...c-come on! D-dont...I didnt do anything!"

"Like I give a fuck!"


I was finally back on the road I couldnt wait to see Lacey again!

Aw shit!

I pulled my motorcycle off to the side of the road as the flashing red, white, and blue lights pulled up behind me.

"License and regestration please."

(A/N I have never been pulled over so Im just goin with what I see in the movies lol)

I handed him my license and regestration.

"Well.....Tyler did you know you were going 20 over the speed limit?"

"No. Sorry officer."

He looked at me probably trying to see if I was telling the truth. He inspected my motorcycle and stopped.

"Tyler what's this?"

"What's what officer?"


He held up a small bag filled with white powder. What the fuck?!

Damnit fucking bitch! Angie must have planted that there!

"Officer, I swear on my life that that's not mine! I didn't even know that was in there for christ sake! You can even test me! I swear I'm clean!"

"Well this bike is yours isn't it?"

"Well ya but..."

"Tyler you are under arrest for possesion of drugs. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to....." Blah blah blah! This should be fun! Ya fuckin right!


Oh fuck!


Holy mother of god!!!

"Oww! Dude! What the fuck?!?"

He was about to hit me again when someone spoke.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

"Oh ya says who?"

Wow great comeback! Freakin cave man!

"Says the almighty KATZHULAHOOP!"

Just then Chet jumped out clinging to the bars of the cell door like a monkey!


God help me!

"Shut up Chet!"

"Okaay so prison life has definatly changed you!"

"Ya...um...hi if you don't mind I kinda wanna finish beating the life out of this gay little horse shit so if you dont mind.....fuck off!"

Then Jake came and yanked Chet off of the door.

"Hey man! We paid your bail and you can go you just gotta sign a few things and get searched again."

"Thank god!"

An officer came and let me out.

"Hasta la vista mutha fucka!"

With those final words to the freak I had just left behind in the cell I was off. After signing at least 50 release form and getting VERY thuroughly searched I was free to go.

"Thanks guys! I should have checked for shit like that before I even left the house this morning."

"No worries bro!"

"Well I better keep going or else Im not gonna make it there by morning." (A/N I know I said that either Tyler or Lacey was in Bradford and the other was in Mullingar but ya just pretend his bike is fastes than a jet plane and got there in one day.)

"A'ite well good luck dude!"

"Thanks Jake! And thanks again for bringing me gas and bailing me out!"

"Ya ya now get your ass back on the road."

"Bye guys!"

And with that I was off and if I was lucky that would be the last time I stopped unless I was filling up on gas or getting food.

Here I come Lace!

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