8 (Kalon)

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As my mom walks out, Adaliny opens her eyes. They're red and puffy. She's been crying. I sit on the bed while she sits up.

"So I messed up..." She says in a rauque voice. "Please, don't look at me like I'm a totally different person. I'm not. I'm still me, funny Adaliny..?"

I take her hand and smile. She's right. She's still there, my funny Adaliny.

"Are you gonna say something?" We can both sens the tension building since I haven't said anything since I've walked in here.

"My little Adaliny, how did it come to this?"

She maintains a poor eye contact as I ask her so. I knew it would be a difficult question to answer. Perhaps I asked too early but truly I can't think of something else right now other than, why?

"I know you have lots of questions but I've just come out of a long session with a psychiatrist She asked loads of question all about why. And after all of this, I'm still confused as to why myself. So please, give me time okay?"

"Yes okay I'm sorry, I shouldn't of asked so early on. Know that I'm here for you. Whatever you need, I'm here."


We sit in an comfortable silence while still holding hands.

I wonder what's gonna happen up to this point. I'm not sure it's okay for me to ask though. Although, as if she's read my mind she says:

"I'm gonna go to a mental hospital tomorrow. They said how long it lasted depended on me but in general people like me stay between two weeks and two months. I won't be allowed to see anyone in the first few weeks... and I wonder, how is that gonna help me? You're the one person that can help me figure this out, I tried to tell the psychiatrist but she kept saying that maybe I should find other options for a support system. Is something going on with you?"

"No, that's really weird. Maybe she meant to find more people?"

"Yeah probably."

"I can't believe it's at least two weeks. It's gonna be hell for me."

"For me too." She says while reaching for her phone. She's sees my messages and missed calls. At the same time my mom comes back in.

"Hi Adaliny! I bought some chips, do you guys want some?" My mom says as she opens to bag to eat one herself. We then both reach in and eat some ourselves in silence. It's a bit awkward but I think Adaliny is just really hungry. She's eating 4 at the same time into her mouth. It's almost funny.

"So, how are you? Do you need anything?"

"I think I'm okay Maryse, thank you for the chips!" Adaliny says replying to my mom. "My mom has gone home to pack a bag for my stay in the mental hospital. She should soon come back."

As she finishes her sentence, her mom walks in. She looks really tired. This must been extremely hard on her. As she sees us though, she forces a smile.

"Oh hi! How lovely for you guys to come and visit Adaliny! I was just bringing her some of her stuff. It's actually past the time for visitors. A lady told me I could give her her stuff but had to leave right after. I'm sorry Adaliny."

"It's okay, it was nice seeing you guys. Plus I'm tired I want to go to sleep soon." Says Adaliny in response.

"Yes of course I didn't realize there was a curfew. Either way it's getting late for us, we have a long drive ahead of us. Kalon, are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, I guess." I hug Adaliny as tight as I can and give her my bracelet. She thanks me with her eyes.

My mom and I leave the hospital and drive back home. I think I slept through some of it. Arrived home, I brush my teeth and wash my face to then go directly to sleep. My mom does the same. I think all of this takes more energy from us than we realize...

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