Sokka and I walked back in silence the whole time until the tent. He slumped down shamefully.

"Don't be like that," I said sitting down next to him. 

"I can't believe I almost trusted him!" Sokka shook his head violently.

"Imagine if we didn't go," I started to reassure Sokka, "That poor old man could've died,"

Sokka looked at me with sorry eyes and a weary smile. I glittered my eyes back at him then rested my head on his shoulder. Sokka knew that I knew he did good. Despite my brother being a little slow sometimes his hearts always in the right place. I let out a long sigh.

"Hey Kya! Hey Sokka! Look what The Duke gave me!" Aang threw a spark popper onto the ground scaring Momo so Momo returned the favor, "Hey! Quit it!"

"Oh your back. Have you seen Jet?" Katara asked, "I can't seem to find him. He's back too isn't he?"

"Yeah, he's back but were leaving!" Sokka protestingly.

"What?!" Aang asked frowning

"But I made him this hat," Katara said sadly showing what she had in her hands. Saying the hat looked weird was a nice way of putting it. 

"Your boyfriend Jet's a thug," Sokka angrily crossed his arms.

"What? No, he's not!"

"Sokka's right," I added.

"He's just got a different way of life. A really fun way of life!" Aang defended

"He beat and robbed a harmless old man!" Sokka yelled.

"I wanna hear Jet's side of the story!" Katara said defensively crossing her arms.

"You trust him over your siblings? Fine," I was upset. How could she side with a guy she just met?  Is she really that dense?

I coldly glared at Jet which is one thing I haven't done yet. He seemed uneasy at my greeting but shook it off the moment he opened his mouth.

"You told them what happened but you forgot to mention the guy was a Fire Nation?" Jet asked.

"No, they conveniently left that part out," Katara looked back accusingly.

"Fine. But even if he was Fire Nation, he was a harmless civilian," Sokka responded

"We can't make everyone evil just because their Fire Nation. It's wrong to act like that old man was actively playing a part in the war," I added to Sokka's statement.

"He was an assassin!" Jet pulled put a knife stabbing a tree trunk that was infront of him. He spun the top, "See there's a compartment for the poison in the knife. He was sent to eliminate me. You two helped save my life,"

The only person wanting to kill you is me actually.

"I knew there was an explanation," Katara smiled in relief.

"I didn't see any knife!" Sokka defended.

"That's because he was concealing it," 

"See, I'm sure you guys just didn't notice the knife," Katara turned back to Sokka and I.

I shook my head there wasn't any knife but she's gone to far off the deep end. She won't believe me even if I tried.

"There was no knife!" Sokka continued.

I stopped Sokka by placing my hand on his shoulder. I was sick of this conversation. I glared at my sister sending a chill down her spine but she snapped back, "Theres no getting her out of the trance she's in," Katara gave me an angry stare. I didn't care anymore. I left holding onto Sokka's wrist leading him back to our tent.

Kya Maiden of the Sea  Book 1 ATLAWhere stories live. Discover now