you trader

148 1 0

Ship - fgod error x sci (wow a rare ship)

Side ship - killer x horror

Type - angst to fluff (I didn't know if I should do fluff or angst so I decided fick it both)

Ink - hi

Error - hi

Sci - hi

Nightmare - hi

Horror - hi

Killer - hi

Not a request but one by myself yes I do actually ship this and also the side ship

Sci was healing error he was against error at first but he find out about the balance feel bad for him so I was in bad sanses in secret like blueberry I stated having feeling for error I would always heal error when he hurt or injury me and error become close friends then started dating sci also help error with his Haphephobia But what they didn't know is that one random day thing will go down when error was hanging out with sci.

Ink saw error and sci together he saw sci was betrayed him he was going to let that side with him while error and sci was hanging out with each other they heard something it was coming closer.

Once the figure came close where they can see him they saw ink standing there sci "can you explain sci"

before Sci could say anything ink attack error was trying to protect sci but sci got hit by ink paint hard before ink could farther attack ink was knock out behind by nightmare

Sci was coughing blood out "please don't die on me" he cried out to sci nightmare gang all went to sci and him sci tried his best to sit up and sci hug error "I'm sorry error bu-" before Sci could finish his sentence he started coughing again and past out in error arm

*5 day later*
"Guys he waking up" everything was blurry at first but his eye socket adjusted "you're ok there"

"yeah how long was I out for" "five days" sci nodded someone hugs sci tightly and was crying sci knew who it was "I thought I was going to lose you"

"We will leave you two love birds alone" error eyes roll while wiping the tears off "I wonder what you did with horror last night killer" horror started blushing when horror was about to say something "oh shut up" killer take horror hand and started walk away together nightmare teleport out sci just chuck now is just slient sci hold error hand and fall on error they started cuddling error can still tell sci was tired so he let him sleep error also had fallen asleep with sci

Ok I'm done I actually like this anyway I hope you enjoy this

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