"YOU FOOL!!!" Wrath's voice booms through the void.

With a sudden and violent chain of actions, the white wolf convulses and stands on his hind legs, leaps upon the nearby red wolf, and begins consuming him. Rocky and the grey wolf rush over to stop him but are quickly knocked away. They watch in horror as, one by one, all the wolves are consumed.

"What is happening?!!" Rocky asks the grey wolf as he leaps up.

"Wrath has taken control of your fear and anger. He now seeks to consume you, mind and body." The grey wolf replies. 

Back in 343's room, a red and black aura slowly consumes Rocky as he floats to his feet.

Lucifer smiles as his hand heals. "Finally!!!"

Rocky turns his head to him and tosses him into a wall. He then breaks through 343's room into the facility where Sophia meets him and walks with him, as if in a trance.

Lucifer gets to his feet and dusts off his suit. "Good to see you too, Wrath!!" He growls. "I swear, I need to get some more polite associates.."

The screams of pain and terror become deafening, to the point Lucifer phases out of existence to join 343.

Once Lucifer enters the alternate dimension, 343 is staring at an observation portal. "So it has begun.." 343 says unhappily.

"Any idea what we can expect from the next dimension?" Lucifer asks.

343 turns towards him. "Imagine the most mixed up, shit show possible and then multiply that by ten."

"Chaos." Lucifer says in a mocking tone. "Just my kind of world!"

"Trust me, even that dimension will be over the top for you.." 343 groans.

"You know, used to.. you were the over the top one and I was just spontaneously deviant. What happened to us?" Lucifer asks thoughtfully.

"SCP-914 changes everything.. everything except memories, apparently." 343 says blankly.

Lucifer points to his face as he smiles. "Almost everything! I still have a stunning smile!"

343 glances at him with a skeptical expression. "Sure.. Like a serial killer in heat.."

Lucifer shrugs. "Doesn't sound like anything changed then!" He then looks at the viewing portal. "Ah! It looks like our dearly possessed hero just found his dead wife!"

"What did you do?!" 343 turns and watches as Rocky approaches Jennifer's lifeless body, her heart ripped from her chest and laying on the floor beside her.

Rocky seems to stop and looks down at the body.

682 slowly approaches from around a corner. "So.. You have become the host of the Sin of Wrath. However, I wonder if you are so far gone that you wouldn't even recognize the woman you loved."

Rocky does not respond as he continues to stare at the lifeless body.

682 takes a readied stance. "Aren't you going to react?!! Scream, cry, do something, but don't stand there pretending to be a heartless monster. That is my title!!"

Inside Rocky's mind, he sees Jennifer's lifeless body and becomes enraged. 


Wrath turns to him. "Silence! Your wife was offered a mercy, not killed in some tortuous blood bath!" He then turns away again. "Just let me do my job, and you will see her again soon.."

Rocky and the grey wolf advance on Wrath, but he quickly turns and blasts them back into a cage.

"Shut up and sit still!!" Wrath barks. "We are almost done here!"

Back in the facility, 682 charges Rocky. Just as 682 opens his mouth to consume Rocky, he is sliced into tiny pieces. Blood splatters the ceiling, walls, and floor as 682's eyes roll to a stop at Rocky's feet.

Rocky looks down. "Disgustingly pathetic as always, 682.." He says blankly as he walks on.

Lucifer watches as Rocky approaches SCP-166's door. He then turns away. "I'm out!"

343 waves his hand and makes the viewing portal disappear. "I can't watch that either. That dear child doesn't deserve that brutality."

Lucifer glances back. "And here I thought you had become a heartless god."

343 shakes his head. "You were not the only one watching over Epon all these years. I have done everything within my power to keep her in good spirits."

Lucifer turns away. "Thank.. you." He then pulls SCP-272 from his pocket. "When the time comes.. I will deal with Wrath. He is often the last sin standing."

"Okay." 343 says unhappily.

Lucifer then phases out.

343 covers his ears as the screams of Epon and the others reach his consciousness. He then falls to the floor and curls into the fettle position. "Mommy.. daddy.. make it stop. MAKE IT STOP!!!" He sobs.

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