New Friends... If That's What This Is?

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"Listen, Scott, I get why you're freaked out about this. The last time you had a crush on someone like this you weren't a werewolf." Stile started pacing around Scott's room while Scott lay on his back staring at the ceiling. "But you need to realize something. As far as we know, you are always going to be fighting or dealing with something, some things worse than others, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to, ya know" He made a strange gesture with his hands, Scott looked at him, and unamused expression on his face, he threw a pillow and it hit him square in the nose.

"Dude, I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about an actual relationship." Scott explained.

"Okay, okay, I was joking, kind of" Scott glared at him, "Seriously, though, you don't know what's going to happen. Maybe these hunters leave, and we never deal with anything bad again, and maybe this other werewolf will be friendly, we don't know. So why hold off? Also, and I think this is something you've been forgetting throughout all of this," Stile walked over, gripping Scott's shoulder and speaking to him, very close and way too loud, "You. Have. Not. Done. Anything. Yet. For all you know you'll start talking to the guy, he'll be a dick, and you won't have a crush anymore. I said the same thing the other day. Were you not listening?"

"No, no I was." Scott whined.

"Good, listen, just do what you think is right, it's not like you have to make a decision about it and ask him out tomorrow, just chill alright."

'But see Stiles, that's part of the problem. We're starting school in a week and he's hot as hell, people will probably be asking him out left and right. He'll end up dating someone else before I even get the chance to make up my mind.'

"Well if he goes out with someone else than I guess he didn't like you that much in the first place, okay? Seriously dude you're making me feel bad for you. Just sleep on it until Monday, see how you feel. You said you have his number, so you can text him when you decide, yeah?"

"Yeah, fuck, your right."

"Always am, now can we do something else please.''

"Yeah okay."

Liam led Isaac through the woods early Tuesday morning. The sun was just beginning to rise, and Isaac didn't work until the afternoon, so he wasn't worried about sleep. They stepped over the overgrown paths, the edge of the water coming into few through a thin fog that seemed to settle over the forest.

"Wow, it's beautiful over here." Isaac said.

Liam sat down on the edge of a small overhang, the bottoms of his shoes just barely scraping the water below, sending little ripples over the quiet mirror.

Isaac sat down next to him slowly. Sitting slightly further back, otherwise his feet would be completely submerged. "How are you feeling about everything?" He asked werely, "We haven't really talked about it since the car."

Liam was quiet for a moment, Isaac watching the side of his face intently, as he looked over the water.

"It's... It's a lot." he settled on, "But I like it here, the people we've met so far are really nice, even if Scott is a little weird." Liam smirked looking at Isaac. Isaac's face went a little red but he smiled. "It's just..." he paused again, "Some stuff won't really ever go away, ya know. Like the nightmares, and, well everything else, but I like it here, it feels safe, calm, quiet."

Isaac smiled softly at his brother, he wrapped his arm over his shoulders, squeezing just for a second, before letting his arm fall. They weren't the physical affection type, at least Isaac wasn't. A part of him felt like Liam was more okay with it than he was, but it was never something they talked about, just a silent agreement they had made over the years.

"I think we're gonna be okay here," he said, "and, god forbid, he did find us, what is he gonna do? Drive up here and try to drag us back. We both know he's let up the last few months, and we both know it's 'cause he knows I'd take you with me when I turned 18 anyway. He'll probably be too drunk to notice we're even gone in the first place." Isaac joked, but there was acid on his tongue.

Liam nodded and they both just sat for a while, as the sun rose higher over the water.

"I should sleep a little more before work, you hungry?" Isaac asked, standing up and brushing the dirt off his pants.

"No, I'll be good, I'm gonna stay here for a little bit."
"Alright, I'll see you later." Isaac made his way back down the path towards the house.

Liam sighed, content, staring out over the water, the sun was just on its edge now. A half circle of light peeking out behind the glass. Liam looked down at the dirt, picking up a rock. He didn't get to throw it last time. He reared his arm bag and chucked the small stone as far out as he could. It went a decent distance and sent large ripples through the water that slowly dissipated, becoming almost impossible to notice by the time they reached Liam's feet.

He sat there for a while longer, and then sat back resting his head on the, surprisingly soft, forest floor. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Taking in the sounds of the birds around him, and the smell of the trees and the water around him. It was peaceful.

Then he heard a familiar rustling nearby, he shot up quickly and turned. It was the wolf from the other day. Liam stiffened when it started moving closer to him. He shot up on his feet ready to run, but it stopped, sitting down like a dog. Liam's mind was telling him to back away slowly, but a part of him was telling him to stay, to feel out the situation a little more.

He stood frozen, looking down at the wolf, it's head probably coming up to Liam's mid thigh. It's fur was jet black, except for a patch of white on its chest and the tip of its tail.

"Um, hello," Liam said, he wasn't quite sure why, maybe talking in a quiet voice would make it be nice. To his surprise the wolf's head tilted to the side, and it's tail wagged on the forest floor. "I didn't even know wolves could do that" he thought.

The animal tried to stand up taking a step forward, which was about 2 meters away from Liam. Liam took a slow step back, and the wolf stopped, sitting again. A high whine left it's throat and Liam felt a wave of confusion and curiosity flash over him, what the hell was going on. It laid down slowly, rolling on its side just a little bit.

Liam just stood in confusion for a few moments before something in him decided it had a death wish. He bent down slowly, squatting to about the height of the wolf. It's ears perked up and it's tail wagged again. "What the hell are you doing Liam?" Liam though, smacking himself upside the head internally. But he stayed there. The wolf got up slowly, and took a step forwards, Liam flinched slightly but didn't move backwards. Slowly it made its way closer to Liam. Until there was only about a foot of distance between them. It sat down again, looking at Liam. Somehow, Liam felt like he could read its eyes, like an energy radiating from them, it was calm, and happy.

Liam would curse himself for this in an hour or so, but he slowly lifted his hand and reached out towards the wolf. Stopping just short, his hand wavering over its side. The wolf made a low, happy sound, it's tail wagging again. Liam let his hand fall and... "wow" he thought, the wolf's fur was incredibly soft, and warm. He pet it slowly down it's side, as the wolf's tail wagged quickly, it's ears falling comfortably.

"Fuck," he said quietly, the wolf turned it's face towards him, head tilting slightly, "Isaac really isn't going to believe me now.' He chuckled slightly and the wolf seemed to like that, rubbing its face against Liam's hand, making him pet it's head. "You aren't going to kill me, right?" Liam laughed nervously, the wolf growled low, Liam flinched back, it whined and pushed its face back against Liam's hand. "Was that a no?" Liam laughed, but part of him would swear he saw the wolf nod.

I Was Hoping For A Quiet Life, But You Gave Me So Much Moreحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن