"Hey, take your fucking disgusting hands off him," I yelled loudly and angrily.

Who the fuck did he thought he was talking to my precious baby like that?

The guy then turn to look at me and smirked, he then grabbed Harry's head and pinned him into a kiss, making my blood boiled and approached him.

Once I was in front of him, I pushed him away from my baby, who looked disgusted at the guy's actions.

"Are you okay?" I asked him concerned.

"I'm fine," he said cleaning his lips.

"But I'm not," the guy said pushing me and making me fall on top of Harry.

"Ah," Harry said in pain.

I immediately moved and looked at where Harry was pointing, it was his right leg, where he had once again a cut because of me.

"I going to fucking kill you," I said turning up to look at the guy with deadly eyes.

I stand up immediately and I tackled him against the wall, I then started punching his stomach.

"You should never, hurt him," I said grabbing his head and pushed him against the other wall.

"Zayn, I'm okay, you don't have to hurt anyone else," Harry said with a bit of a pain in his voice.

Just as I was about to stop, the guy came back towards me and was about to hit me when someone punched him down to the floor.

"Don't mess with the Malik brothers you fucking idiot," Roger said angrily.

"Are you okay Harry?" Javadd said kneeling down and checking Harry's cut.

"I'm okay," Harry said with a small smile. "All thanks to Zee," he said looking up at me, smiling bigger.

"The nickname is back," Javadd said turning to look at me and then at Roger as both of them shared a smirk.

"I mean, we are friends again," Harry said nervously.

"Yeah, friends," Roger said with a chuckle.

"Stop," I said giving a small hit on his shoulder.

"Oh my god, what happened here?" We heard the principal say in shocked.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself.

"Of course it had to be you guys," he said looking at me and Roger.

"In our defense, he started," Roger said pointing at the guy that was in the floor, probably knocked out.

"And of course you guys ended it right? Well guess what? That doesn't change anything, to the office! Now!" He said with an angrily tone.

"What about Harry?" I asked concerned.

"He is going to the nurse," the principal said with the same tone.

"Don't worry Z, I will be with him," Javadd said giving a small smile, making me feel less worried.

Third POV

Once again the security guards took Harry to the nurse and Javadd was there with him.

"Do you get deja vu? Huh?" Javadd chuckled after he sang.

"Haha, so funny," Harry said rolling his eyes.

"You already know I cope with humor," he said with a chuckle. "Why was the fight even about? Apart from you getting hurt?" He asked grabbing a chair and sitting down next to harry.

"Well, that guy was trying to force me into having a date with him and Zayn told him to never touch me, but the guy kissed me and then Zayn pushed him and when Zayn was talking to me, the guy pushed Zayn, making both of us fall into the floor, making a cut on the same spot as before, and making Zayn tackled him and kick that guy's ass," Harry said taking a deep breath.

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