Upon hearing him, Vivian stops, pulls back, and furrows her brow. "I'm not assaulting you, Clarke. Don't be dramatic. Now stop moving around so much."

Gavin, who is by the by quite red in the face at this point, squirms back even further and exclaims, "Wait! I think you should explain yourself – ". But, of course, his words are promptly cut off when Vivian kisses his again, this time (slightly) more tenderly.

Now. Gavin Clarke does not snog people in shadowy corners, especially people like Vivian Blair, who is a bit too brash and headstrong for him now that he's thinking about it. To be perfectly honest, he very rarely snogs people in any sort of corner, which leaves him in a bit of a conundrum because once Vivian tilts her head a bit and stops smashing their lips together quite so callously, it actually does feel somewhat...nice.

Right. That is, it's alright, for an impromptu kiss being had in a murky alcove. He'll admit that he had wondered what it would be like, to kiss her. At least now he can say that that's over with, and that it isn't so terrible.

Vivian isn't in complete agreement, though. She sighs and pulls away with a muttered, "Merlin, it's like kissing a fucking rock."

Gavin's mouth, which is slightly bruised at this point, drops open. "Excuse me?" he asks, sounding quite offended.

She sighs again and nods to herself, then shuffles closer to him and says, "One more try, then I'll let you have your usual mental breakdown over your homework."

After being likened to a rock, Gavin is understandably less than thrilled with the prospect of doing this all over again, and he attempts to squirm backwards once more. But Vivian, as he knows by now, can be quite adamant about having her way, and any protestations that may or may not leave his mouth upon her wayward shows of affection are promptly cut off when her lips descend upon his again.

This time, it's far less aggressive. She even closes her eyes as she kisses him, and gingerly reaches up to thumb over his jaw, trying to recreate some of the emotions that had seared through her last night. When Sirius had kissed her, it had rattled her like nothing she's ever felt before. Her whole body had felt the effects of that kiss. It had burned through her bones and bolstered her heart into a smoldering fire.

A large part of her had hoped that it hadn't really meant anything. That she'd only felt that way because she doesn't make a habit of sneaking out after curfew to hook up with people like many of her classmates do, and that the fire had only burned her because that kiss had been a shock to her system. It's like when you experience something so out of the ordinary that it sparks through you and makes your blood spike with adrenaline. She was hoping that by recreating those effects with someone else, she'd be able to justify it in such a way.

But kissing Gavin isn't anything like that. It's not a bolt of lightning that splinters through her and sets her heart to alight. It isn't fire and ash and ember, and it doesn't make her blood pump or her body sear. She feels no desire to run her fingers through his hair or to haul him as close to her as possible. Actually, she has a feeling that kissing him would feel like kissing a brother, if she had one.

The thought makes her wrinkle her nose and pull away with another loud sigh. Gavin, for his part, looks quite ruffled and a bit shell-shocked. His eyes are glazed over and she doesn't think she's never seen him looking so unkempt. His Ravenclaw tie is all askew and his black school robes are slightly slipping down one shoulder. She feels this insane urge to snicker at him.

"...In hindsight, I'll admit that this wasn't my best idea," she says instead, clearing her throat as she reaches up to pat her hair down. Not that he had messed it up or anything. Kissing Gavin really had been like kissing a rock. He'd barely been able to bring himself to touch her at all.

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