Viam fatorum

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Chapter Forty Nine | Viam fatorum

[Fate's path]

Vivian Blair is a complete hypocrite.

" – Why do you constantly drag me into alcoves?" Gavin complains the next afternoon, when he is assailed by one hot-tempered Slytherin on his way to the library. It's just after lunch, and the next class of the day doesn't start for another half an hour. It hadn't exactly been a challenge to guess where the nerdiest student in the school would choose to spend those extra thirty minutes, hence Vivian lying in wait for him several corridors away from the library doors.

"What?" she asks, looking confused, and then rearranges her features and drags him further into the shadows behind the statue of Ferdinand the Finnicky. "Don't be weird, Clarke. This is important."

Gavin sends her a concerned look and whispers, "Is it about – "

"It's not about the task," she interrupts, glancing furtively around to see if anyone has noticed them. The corridors are relatively empty, but they're busier than usual because apparently, Gavin isn't the only one who had wanted to spend his extra half hour in the library. Thankfully, no one is expecting to see anyone lurking behind Ferdinand the Finnicky, and walk right by without noticing them.

Gavin's concern fades to exasperation. He sighs and rearranges his robes, which Vivian had accidentally skewed out of place when she has accosted him. "Well I actually do have plans to get started on my Transfiguration essay this afternoon, so whatever it is that you wanted to say, I don't see why you can't say it in the libr – "

"I kissed Black!" Vivian blurts out. Her cheeks turn a faint shade of red.

Gavin stares at her, but not because he's reeling from what she had just said. Actually, her words had come out so quickly that they had sounded more along the lines of 'I kissed back', which is predictably confusing.

"Huh? You kissed what?" he questions, raising a bewildered eyebrow.

Vivian glowers at him, takes a deep breath, and hisses, "Sirius Black. I kissed Sirius Black."

This time, his reaction is more in keeping with the message. Well, sort of. He gapes at her for all of three seconds, mouth dropping open in surprise – before he makes a choking sound and then promptly begins to laugh at her.

Vivian does not appreciate it.

"This is not a laughing matter, Clarke," she hisses, narrowing her eyes into her best Slytherin glare. Unfortunately for her, Gavin Clarke is quite immune to said glare at this point, and it only seems to make him laugh harder.

"Oh sorry," he snickers, pushing his glasses up. "It's not as if you've spent your entire time at Hogwarts loathing the very ground he walks on or anything. How dare I laugh at you for snogging your sworn enemy, right?"

She scowls at him. "Sarcasm doesn't suit you. Now stop laughing. I need to try something to see if I've gone off the deep end or not."

At this, Gavin raises an eyebrow and chuckles, "If you ask me, you've always been insa – oomph!"

Now, the inelegant ending of Gavin Clarke's sarcastic commentary is due to this:

Vivian Blair takes her assailment up a notch by grabbing two fistfuls of his blazer, heaving him forward, and slamming her mouth against his in a decidedly bewildering (and actually rather painful) kiss. What does Gavin Clarke do, upon being randomly (and painfully) kissed? Well, he'd do what any morally upstanding Ravenclaw prefect would do. He squirms back, tries to loosen her hold of him, and splutters, "Viv – mph! Would you – stop – assaulting me!"

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