Literarum amor

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Chapter Nine | Literarum amor

[Love letters]

Theodore Avery doesn't seem like he wants to be on the Quidditch pitch, which is really not a good sign. After all, it's been three years since Slytherin last won the Quidditch Cup, and with him stepping up this year as Captain, their last chance to come out on top doesn't seem very likely. The first week of term is at its end, and the subtle nuances of change within her house only seems to grow in strength as Vivian approaches the stands where Avery is waiting. Tryouts are different this year too, but not only because Avery's been made Captain.

"Why are there so many girls here?" she asks Morrigan, who has been a chaser on the team since third year. Her dormmate looks rather good in her white and emerald Quidditch gear, and she pauses as she tugs her hair up into a high ponytail to send an incredulous glance at Vivian, as if she thinks her question is extremely inane.

"Why'd you think?" she shoots back, and raises her eyebrows.

Vivian copies the gesture, then looks over at the group of girls that are currently hanging around Avery and his group of friends. They're all here – Mulciber, Rosier, even Snape, though he isn't paying the girls any mind whatsoever as he sits beside his friends with his nose stuck in a book. It's not strange to see girls hanging around them like this, but seeing as all the girls are carrying broomsticks and are obviously intent on trying out, Vivian's confusion only skyrockets.

Morrigan rolls her eyes. "Honestly, sometimes I wonder if you're really a member of the renown Blair family. They're obviously trying to catch someone's eye."

It becomes clear to Vivian only a moment later that by 'someone', Morrigan means 'anyone'. She scoffs quietly to herself and sits down next to Morrigan as she realizes what her friend is getting at. Purebloods of higher standing tend to get betrothed early on in their lives, but the rest of Slytherin house, whether pureblood or not, always go into a tizzy during their last year in an effort to secure their own engagement. These girls aren't here for Quidditch; they're here for marriage. She grimaces in disgust and Morrigan laughs.

"So, are you?" Morrigan asks vaguely, and Vivian turns to look at her.

"Am I what?"

"Are you betrothed to someone? Merlin, Blair."

Feeling a bit uncomfortable at the question, Vivian shifts a bit and shrugs. If she says no, then Morrigan will wonder why her parents hadn't gone the traditional route when she was a kid and betrothed her to another family's son way back when, and then Vivian will of course have to admit that her parents had done that, only that the son in question hadn't lived up to their expectations and they broke off the agreement. Morrigan will want to know who this person is and she'd pester her until she receives her answer. Vivian would rather die than admit that she was once betrothed to none other than Sirius Black.

On the other hand, if she says yes, then she'll have to make up a lie about who she's betrothed to, and lying about something of this magnitude will doubtlessly backfire on her at some point. So instead, she just tries to change the subject. This wouldn't have worked if she was dealing with anyone other than Morrigan, who basically lives and breathes Quidditch. Well, when she isn't obsessing over her latest fling, that is.

"We're never going to win the Cup if Avery lets any of those girls onto the team," Vivian mutters, crossing her arms and looking annoyed at the prospect. As she glances over to her new Captain, she sees that he is far more interested in flirting than he is with getting on with tryouts, even though all of the potential players are pretty much gathered by now.

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