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Travis POV:

I woke up and stepped outside. It's my territory so I would be alone. Everybody knows about the horrific man eating giant who homes by the water. Except her. That girl from yesterday.

I woke up early in the morning to hear small sobs and cries. We giants have very sensitive ears and can pick up anything within a certain range.

I heard the girl crying, screaming, and begging . I watched her from a distance.

She is so small, even by human standards. She is probably the size of my pinky finger.

I don't know why but I felt some sense to her. Normally when I see humans I just eat or capture them until I get bored.

But not her.

She swam into the water in an attempt to get something off of her. She climbed out and peeled her dress off. With only her undergarments she looked very cold.

A few minutes later she bundles up her clothing and lie down. She quietly cried herself to sleep.

She looked like a small bundle of pain and beauty. Once I made sure she was asleep, I crawled over to her.

Her once snowy white hair was now stamped with red. Her little dress was not a deep red.

Worst of all, her eye was red. She fascinated me having two different color eyes. I thought it was unusual, and in a way, cute. 

I had to stop myself from screaming when I saw what her face looked like. Her blue eye socket... It was red. I realized that she wasn't in a paint fight. She has been beaten.

Beaten almost to the point of death. Her eye was entirely red. Her porcelain skin which uses to have facing bruises was not covered in think slits.

It looked like she had been swiped at with a knife, beaten, stabbed, and was now blind on one eye.

It greatly pained me to see her be this way. My heart aches. To see this girl all beaten up when just a few hours before it looked like she was making a delicious dinner.

I don't know why I feel so drawn to her. I feel I will do anything to protect her.

I gently picked her up on my palm. She whined and stirred in her sleep but no other noise. I placed her in one of my eating bowls. I added my fluffiest shirt as a coating and delicately placed her inside.

She looked like a sleeping angel. I decided to make her some breakfast. She looked very hungry and in poor health. I went to my kitchen and decided she would love pancakes.

I added flour, eggs, sugar, yeast, cinnamon and chocolate as well as some nuts and berries. Using my music to resize human items was easy, and I used it for almost everything.

I mixed it all up and fried them.

I made sure to put her in a protective bubble with my magic, blocking all sound and light.

It made sure she could not hear anything and was as comfortable as possible. After the cakes were done, I took a small cap and cut out circles maybe about the size of a coin to me.

I hoped she would be happy with her breakfast.

A sweet girl like her has to be cared for.

I placed it on a small wooden plate that I usually use to place my toothbrush on. I cleaned i and one my one stacked the cakes. I gave her three and lathered it with syrup and powdered sugar.

I made myself a bigger portion so we could perhaps eat together. I got out my wood and carving tools and made a cup, fork, and knife for her size. I heard her waking up and yawning, making the bubble pop. She looked up at me with tired and fearful eyes. She sees me. She can speak to me.

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