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A small attraction that ticked my mind,
The magnet for wishes somehow came in me,
I attracted tons and tons of them,
And they somehow became dreams!

My life is now full of dreams,
May be it's a fairy tale but it's worth living,
My dream fill my life,
And I live just because they are alive,
I breath cause of my dreams,
I work cause of them,
The society is so hard on me sometimes,
But my dreams imparts me life!

It has now turned out to be a reason of my existence,
And whenever my existence is doubted,
It gives me the answer,
I am so normal just near to nothing,
But my dream like a sparkle screams and says, "YOU ALIVE TO ACHIEVE ME!"

That gives me a reason again,
And I stand upright,
Though I don't see a path,
I believe in the light!
My future won't be normal I just know!
It'll be fabulously extraordinary,
This is the promise I me!

The Spark in me will never die,
Cause it's a real one and true to its lie!!
Even if my instincts lie they won't betray me,
They showed me in dreamland,
Now they have to even guide me!!

I am here today,
Having literally nothing,
But I know when I turn back to this day,
When I will get my future self,
I'll say just one line,
And I survived being fine!!

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