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Dear me,
I still have a place for you
At the end of the day,
Between my routines as I lay...

The lines I write,
Between those words I still fetch your time...
You mean the world to me,
Even though I don't say it out...
I always seek your company whenever I feel alone...
I remember the lifestyle I made you to dream.
I promise I won't disappoint you at all
Cause I'm working for it...
Day and night

And even if I lie down,
Just intending to rest...
Your thought holds me back,
Brings me back to the crest...

And when you'll need me, call out loud
I'm always there to shield you out
I love you more than anyone does,
People call it something known as 'self love'

Remember, I share a unbridged legacy with you...
Just don't loose the path buddy,
Keep it on the track
I'll always guide you between the howling times...
And when no one does,
I'll still trust you

Make a promise, as we go along
Today and after all these times,
I'll not forget you,
And I know even you won't argue...

~a message from Sally Sparkle ❣️

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