Being you ❤️✨

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Even your silliness will be appreciated,
Once you become famous.
Your sins will be forgotten,
Once you become rich.
You lil mistakes will be made into your greatness,
Once you become known.

So just focus on building yourself
And just have a look at the moon.
It waits till the night comes, doesn't it??
I mean it has to...
Cause that's when God has planned to make it shine...
And it has to abide...

Stop looking down at yourself
Stop being restless
Have faith in God and adopt his pace
Patience is his secret.

Have faith in your flaws,
Have faith in your abilities,
Have faith in your uniqueness.
Be the master of your own path.
Cause you are the only one who can make difference...

You have no idea how much you can do.
Just by being you!!

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