Start from the beginning

"Kane, huh?" He gave nothing away. "And? If I have?"

"You are from Oshea, are you not?" At this, Bennett's eyes narrowed. "It's your hair, Captain, your accent, your skin, the shape of your features. Don't worry, I haven't spent my time tracking down information on you. A lucky guess is all."

"Right. Well then, what exactly are you asking?"

Bedelth rubbed the back of his neck, then motioned him away from the others. He followed, until they were separated so none might overhear. The activity on the beach had already increased as more and more rowboats arrived, unloading. "What's the likelihood you might...nip across the Dragonfire sea? Pay Oshea a visit?"

He rubbled the stubble on his chin, humming. "I don't often travel that way. Try to avoid it when I can. I guess it depends on the pay and the need."

"Right. The need is great. And as for the pay, I'll pay in advance, half now, half when you return. We want to know why Kane's been traveling there. What he's got up his sleeve. I'd imagine you can get some of the folks there to talk? Sailers are a chatty sort, are they not?"

He grunted. "When you get 'em drunk enough. Yes. How much you talking?" Bedelth removed a bag of coins, handed it over, allowing Bennett to heft it. "A fair bit, then?"

"Aye. A fair bit. This is important to our king. You can be discreet, yes?"

"Quite." He hesitated. Was he really going to accept this—so easily? He hadn't quite charted their next path beyond getting supplies for Cat. He figured he'd just see what work needed doing, what cargo needed shipping. But this...

It was good pay. A path—a direction. Possible danger. But danger that would take him out of Dragonwall for a time. And wasn't that a good thing? He had a feeling that events taking place in the kingdom were about to get dicy. So yes, maybe this would be a good thing.

"I accept," he said at last, pocketing the bag of coins.

"Good." Bedelth hesitated. "What?"

"Might have to make a few stops for supplies first. Got a...well never mind."

"Your buisness is your own. We've got matters of our own here—Fort Squall, namely. It will take you a couple of months, I'm sure, before you find answers. Return to Kastali Dun when you've gathered some intel. I'll see that the king pays you the rest of what you're owed. In the mean time, that should be enough for the journey, for your crew, and bribes to boot."

"More than enough," he answered, his mind already running through preparations.

"Excellent. Well then," Bedelth said, backing up several steps. He saluted him with two fingers, then turned on his heel, not bothering with goodbyes. Bennett watched him go, squishing awkwardly through the sand. Was there a way to trudge through sand with dignity? Not usually. A grin stretched across his features. There had to be several hundred gold coins in that bag. Enough dragons to make this journey well worth while.


The sunrise across the coast was vibrant and peaceful. They'd managed to unload everything. Some of the ships were already departing. The Dwargs had formed ranks, would be marching their way to camp on foot, as would the Drengr who'd come to help with the cargo. Wagons were loaded up, horses hitched. It would be a slow transport, a couple of days to arrive at camp. But that wasn't Bennett's problem.

He stood on the beach facing Mikkin, Jamie, Unka, and the Dwarg, Berbik. "Well, I suppose this is goodbye for now," he said, taking Mikkin's shoulder.

"You sure you won't stay? Sail up the coast and meet us closer to camp? Would be fun to share in the glory of battle."

Koldis the Green (DRAGONWALL SERIES 4)Where stories live. Discover now