Chapter 740: Pushing forward too rashly (10)

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"Do you want to eat more?"

"I'm okay, sir."

Choi Han quickly moved the bread behind him after hearing Kim Rok Soo's response and took some fruit out one by one.

"What about these?"

"It's okay. I'm full."

"...How could you be full after eating only a few pieces of chicken......?!"

Choi Han suppressed the emotions that wanted to burst out of him as he took out an apple pie.

Kim Rok Soo's young eyes looked baffled as he watched, but Choi Han did not see it.

'...I need to buy him some new clothes too but first, I need to feed him more!'

Choi Han had checked the balance in Kim Hyun Soo's bank account in advance.

Although this was an illusion, he was only going to use a portion of the money since he felt sorry for the owner of the body after submitting a letter of resignation on his behalf as well.

Furthermore, although he didn't know anything about modern Earth, he still had some social common sense.

'...I can't leave Cale-nim as he is right now.'

Choi Han placed a slice of apple pie and some orange juice in front of Kim Rok Soo and recalled his first meeting with Kim Rok Soo.

Choi Han had told the young Cale-nim that he was Cale's father's hoobae at work in the past and Kim Rok Soo had come with him.

'Even if I said that I would give him food and buy him chicken! ...How could he be so innocent......?!'

Choi Han was at a loss for words at young Cale's innocence and pureness to follow him after hearing such a groundless excuse.

Of course, the young Kim Rok Soo did not believe anything Choi Han had said but had come with him because he did not want to go home. There was no way Choi Han would know that.

"Rok Soo."

"Yes, mister?"

Choi Han flinched for a bit after being called a mister, but he responded with a stern look on his face.

"Next time, you must never follow someone you have never met before. Even if they say that they will feed you, you must never follow them no matter what. Do you understand?"

Kim Rok Soo looked at Choi Han with a slight look of disbelief before nodding his head.

"Yes, sir, I won't follow them."

"Good, what a good boy."

The young Kim Rok Soo's face turned even more baffled, but Choi Han did not notice as he was thinking about what that eccentric voice had told him a bit earlier.

'You have discovered the clue, food, to cover up target Kim Rok Soo's indignity.'

'You have discovered the clue, warm home, to cover up target Kim Rok Soo's indignity.'

Food, a warm home, clean clothes, and an abundance of food for dinner.

Choi Han quickly figured out the answer after gathering these clues.

'There's only one thing that the young Cale-nim needs.'

A home.

'A new home or shelter.'

He was currently having a painful and humiliating childhood at his relative's hands.

He needed to be pulled out of there.

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