Chapter 708: Only one answer (6)

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Alberu got a headache thinking about how to explain this situation to the King who did not look kindly on him right now.

'I want to handle this incident.'

Cale. Now that he was the one who found information on this person, Alberu wanted to see through it until the end. However, Alberu may play no role in it once the information was handed to the king.

'I, I need to explain it well.'

Alberu ignored his tired body as he debated and debated some more about what he needed to say. His body was slowly heading toward the door.

At that moment...

Knock knock knock.

He suddenly heard knocking even though it was dawn.

The attendant outside the door cautiously spoke but was unable to hide his anxiety.

"Your highness, the eldest son of the House of Stan has come to seek an audience."


Alberu looked confused.

'The House of Stan?'

That household was pretty much Alberu's political enemy. No, most nobles were supporting the other princes to be the future king and not Alberu, so Alberu had to be wary of most nobles.

Furthermore, the eldest son of Marquis Stan was Taylor Stan, the trashed eldest son.

He was certain that Taylor Stan was someone whose lower body was paralyzed and was pushed out of the successor position.

"...Why would he?"

'And why at such an early hour?'

Alberu heard the attendant's voice again as he mumbled.

"He says that he must meet with you, your highness."


Alberu's eyes clouded over for a moment.


He thought about the single-use ancient power that his mother had left him. The Healing Star.

'Is he here because he wants that power? Only a few people should know that I have it. Did someone sell my information?'

Alberu's expression quickly turned cold.


Alberu quickly erased his emotionless face and opened the door with a gentle expression. Naturally, only the attendant was outside the door. Taylor Stan would not have been able to enter the palace at such hour, and would have had to request to see Alberu from outside.

"Did he come alone?"

"No, sir. The knight said that he is with a priestess of the God of Death and a healer. There are three of them in total."


"Yes, sir. Umm, one person is wearing a mask."

A priestess of the God of Death and a healer.

It felt like an odd combination. Alberu held back this unknown sense of iffyness and gave the attendant an order.

"Tell them to wait. I must go see Royal Father first."

"That, your highness..."

"What's wrong?"

The attendant responded with an awkward expression.

"Young master Taylor asked me to say something if you ordered him to wait."

"Which is?"


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