Chapter 13 - Drunk Party Time

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"If I'm gonna be honest, I've never been to a party with just teenagers before." Tommy said, as they stood in front of the house. Deo smirked, putting an arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Well, do you wanna know the most important rules of parties like this?" He asked, looking at Tommy, who shrugged cluelessly. "Get drunk and have fun!" He grabbed Tommy's wrist gently and pulled him along, opening the door to the house.

The blaring sound of upbeat music filled their ears, the room crowded with people. Deo dragged Tommy through, both of them bumping into multiple people.

They got to the kitchen, where a few people stood talking to others. Tommy looked around at some people wrestling each other, before Deo handed him a cup of some sort of pink drink, eagerly waiting for Tommy to try it.

"Is this a fucking healing potion?" Tommy asked loudly, getting a few strange looks from people around him. Deo laughed, holding a cup of his own, taking a large sip of it.

"No you idiot, it's punch."

Tommy took a small sip, before deciding that he liked it, drinking the rest. "Not Bad."

"Kristen, calm down." A familiar voice laughed, both Deo and Tommy looking towards where it came from. A girl with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes was looking at the bowl of punch, a blonde guy with a dumb hat right next to her.

"Phil." Tommy whispered a little too loudly, the boy looking at him.

"How do you know my name?" He asked, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Wait- you that drummer and singer from that one band!" He paused, waving his finger slightly. "From uh, the Business Bay! Tom and uh- Deo?"

Tommy and Deo exchanged glances. "Uh, yeah. And you are?"

"Phil, and this is my girlfriend, Kristen. Holy shit, wait, Techno! You gotta see this!"

Tommy's eyes widened slightly, as a man with short brown hair approached them, looking at Phil. He didn't look a day younger than the Techno Tommy knew, which was strange.

"Hey, you two are from business bay!" Techno exclaimed, smiling. Tommy nodded, not knowing what to do.

"You should dye your hair pink. It would look cool." Tommy blurted out, regretting his words as soon as he said it.

Techno tilted his head in confusion. "Um, okay? Pinks not really a colour I would wear but okay."

Tommy sighed, Phil chuckling. "Do you wanna hang out? Get drunk, cause chaos, all that type of shit?"

"Fuck yeah!" Tommy exclaimed, drinking another cup of the punch.


"Hey, is that Deo?" Luke pointed to the guy chugging the bowl of punch. Bitzel's eyes widened, before he nodded.

"Yeah, that's him alright." He paused, glancing at Luke. "Should we go say hi?"

Luke shrugged, Bitzel dragging him along towards their friend, when they bumped into someone.

"CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" The guy chanted along with others, cheering when Deo finished it all. He glanced at Bitzel and Luke, a drunken smile on his face. "Oh! Hey Bit Bit and Lukeyyyy." He wobbled slightly, Luke catching him.

"Wait- Tommy?!" Luke exclaimed, standing him upright. "You shouldn't be here!"

"Whyyyy not?" He booped Bitzel on the nose before turning back to Deo. "Deooo! I found them!" He fell backwards, Bit and Luke both quick to catch him.

"I think it's time you two get out of here." Bitzel sighed, grabbing Deo's hand while Luke carried Tommy out.

"You're no fuun." Deo pouted, reaching his arm out to steal another person's drink.

"You'll both thank us in the morning." Luke sighed, forcing Deo into the backseat of his car. Bitzel sat Tommy upright and put his seatbelt on, and sat in the front seat.

"We'll go to Deo's house. I don't think any of our parents would be happy to see these to drunk out of their minds." Bitzel started the engine and began to drive away.

Luke chuckled, turning around to face his two friends. "What did you two do?"

"We saw my dad and my mum and Technooooo." Tommy explained, then looking at Deo. "You have veryy bright eyes."

"Thank you Tommy." Deo spoke, his words fast and slurred. Luke sighed, facing the front once more.

"Looks like we're on parent duty tonight Bit."

"You can say that again."


Tommy decided that he was never going to drink again. He had the worst headache in the morning, and Luke and Bitzel couldn't find anything to help it. His friends were ready to ask many questions as soon as he felt better, too. This was going to be a curse, wasn't it?


Hello Reader!
I updated sooner than I thought I would!
I'd make an updating schedule, but I'd probably end up forgetting about it, so I kinda update whenever I feel like it
Have a good next twenty four hours!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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