His jaw dropped. It took him a moment before he could open his mouth again.

"Why didn't you informed me about your plan?!" Mark gritted his teeth.

He thought his parents will stop bothering his life anymore. Since they've change already. But here they are, setting him up with someone he hadn't met.

He knew his parents wanted to have grandchildren, but they're also aware of his preference. Unfortunately, they wouldn't give up without a fight. They pushed him to try dating girls. They've done it a couple of times before, he should've expected it to happen again.

"Trust me. This person is somehow, a good child. A bit stubborn, as what that child's father said, but that person's actually a good person. Warm-hearted, smart, and kind. I'm sure you'll love that person," his father smiled.

This is the first time his father smiled like that. He'd never seen that before. Whoever this person is, his father surely likes her.

But it's his father, not him.

He remained silent, despite the urge to complain, he didn't had the courage to. He tried to avoid being seen on the camera for he was fighting back tears.

"We're here," the driver informed him.

He went outside the car. His brows furrowed, seeing the unfamiliar house in front of him.

"Whose house is this?" he asked the driver, but he heard no reply

My parents didn't——

Wait a minute...!

His eyes widened in realization.

"By soon..you mean..."

"Yes, honey..."

"That person's inside, waiting for you."


He gritted his teeth then clenched his fist.

"Go now, Masa. Don't let that person wait," his dad said.

"Your dad is right, honey. That person already suffered too much," his mom said meaningfully.

When he heard that, he felt like he didn't have a choice but to follow. He wanted to know in what way that person suffered but he didn't want to give his parents the idea that maybe...he's interested in her. No way!

While Mark was entering the house, he couldn't stop himself from shaking. He just wanna get away from here and find that idiot who told him he'll wait for him.

He never agreed to this, but before he could speak, his father ended the call. His driver pushed him to enter the house.

While walking towards the door, he can't help but think about Vee. What will he do if Vee found out about this? Will Vee hate him because of this?

Or maybe he wouldn't care? Maybe he stopped waiting. Maybe only Mark held on that promise.

He took a deep breath when he felt a pinch on his chest. He's trying to prevent himself from crying.

He stopped for a moment when a plan popped up. A very mean plan.

His shaking hand didn't bother knock the door when he realized that it was open so he entered without warning.

He planned of embarrassing himself and be mean. Maybe he shouldn't treat whoever's waiting nicely so the latter will break this deal off.

A mean plan, but it's for him, so why not?

"Yes, Mom~"

He stopped at his tracks when he was already on the living room, his shoes were glued on the floor.

"Yes, Mom. Your baby's fine. You don't have to worry. Please enjoy your trip with Dad. Bye~"

The other blew air kisses before hanging up. The person yawned before turning his head on the living room. His eyes widened when he saw Mark looking at him.


Mark stood still, gaze locked at Vee.

Yes, Vee.

His Vee is f*cking standing in front of him, yawning.

He was confused with what's happening but who the hell care?

He's on the verge of crying awhile ago while Vee is just standing in front of him, yawning.

He couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"W-when did you arrive? H-how...?"

When Mark recovered, he called Vee's name furiously before he charge towards him.


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