"And....? Didn't it end up well?"

Mark gave him a small smile, "It did. We actually had a heart-to-heart talk. I don't know what's gotten into him, but I'm happy with his sudden change of heart."

Vee's face lit up, "Really? And then? What? What happened next?"

Mark laughed at Vee who's obviously excited.

"What are you laughing at?"

Mark shook his head, "You're so nosy."

Vee rolled his eyes, still smiling, "I'm not. I just wanted to know what happened. Spill it all!"

Mark took a deep breath before he told him what happened.

Mark had a talk with his father, and his father told him that he'll support him (financially and emotionally) with his passion and love for painting. He told him that he'll support him if he decided to finally study what he really love.

"Then why are you frowning when I arrived? Isn't that a good news? He's finally supporting you!" Vee beamed.

Isn't that something that Mark should be happy about?

If I were him, I would be jumping like a kangaroo in front of other people.

[Thankfully, he's not like you, Vee hahahahh]

"He found a good school for me. I thought he was lying when he told me he'll support me. He's really true with his words, he's sincerely supporting me."

Vee's lips almost ripped up because of how wide his smile is now.

He's happy for Mark. He truly is.

"But it's on Auckland."


Vee's smile slipped.

The happiness he felt awhile ago fades away just because of those four words from Mark's mouth.

He swallowed a lump on his throat before he spoke, "I-Isn't that good?"

He managed to force a smile in front of Mark. Mark didn't answer.

Yes, his dad already gave him his support. But he needs to give up and left everything here to study in Auckland.

"I don't wanna accept his offer. I don't wanna be away from here. It's gonna take up to three years. That's too long."

Vee couldn't help but face-palmed with what Mark said.

To be honest, Vee's quite happy with Mark said. But isn't it too selfish?

"Accept his offer, Mark," he said, making the other frown. He pinched Mark's cheeks before he continue, "You waited for this to happen, didn't you? It's finally happening, why hesitate?"

"But it's three years, Vee..."

Vee swallowed hard. He faked a cough before he manage to find the courage to speak again.

"Yes, I know. But isn't this what you've always wanted? It's a bit long, but it's worth it you know. It's your time to achieve your dreams."

Mark pouted, "But it's far. And it's a place foreign to me. I don't know anyone who lives on that place. I... I want to stay here."

"Are you that scared?" Vee asked.

Mark's forehead creased at his question. But there's no sign of joke on Vee's face.

Mark slowly nodded his head, not saying anything.

Vee messed his hair, "Then do it."


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