Chapter 13: First Time for Everything - Pt. 1

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Dragon or God/Goddess Speaking or Reference
Dragon or God/Goddess Speaking Internally


Third POV

"COME AT ME," Makoto exclaimed as his eyes glowed more brightly.

As prompted, Irina charged at Makoto with her Excalibur Mimic. She leaped into the air and drew her blade over her head.

"A-MEN!" Irina shouted before she lands a slash, but the only thing that was injured was Makoto's shirt.

Makoto dodged the attack and growled. 

"Good thing this wasn't one of my good shirts," Makoto said as he rolled his shoulders before going into a battle stance with his fists.

"Makoto, try to avoid her direct attacks," Rias said, giving Makoto some advice.

"Yeah yeah, I hear ya," Makoto said dismissively before he conjures his magic. He pulled his hands back before throwing them forward, tossing orange-red balls of magic directly towards Irina.

Irina slashes through the balls of magic and charges at Makoto. She attempts to cut into his shoulder, but he caught it with his right hand. A loud metal sound emitted when the two foreign objects clashed against one another. Makoto grits his teeth as he feels the holy properties of Irina's Excalibur trying to disintegrate his right hand, but his eyes glow as he can feel Painful Greed learn from the attack.

"Not bad, but not good enough!" Makoto yelled before forcing Irina's blade off of his hand and attempts to horizontally slash her stomach.

Irina almost failed to block Makoto's attack, but blocked nonetheless. She skids back from the force of Makoto's attack.

"What the-? That attack felt much stronger than it should have," Irina said confused as she noticed that her Excalibur was shaking lightly.

"The Chrysolite Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet? That with Asia Argento's Twilight Healing and your Sword Birth, you Devils certainly have a fair amount of the pagan sacred treasures," Xenovia said.

"I have another power. One that comes from grudges of my fallen comrades. With this power, I will destroy all of the Excaliburs!" Kiba said as he pulled a sword out of the grassy ground and charged at Xenovia.

The two clash their blades with assured speed and strength.

"And with them, I will annihilate their wielders!" Kiba exclaimed as he performed various slash attacks against Xenovia, who in turn blocked each and every attack of his.

"Just being touched by a Holy Sword can injure a Devil. They're at a huge disadvantage," Akeno said.

 "Kiba can manage with speed, but with Makoto, I'm a little worried," Rias said with a firm gaze.

"Does Rias care for our green-eyed friend?" Akeno said, teasing Rias.

Rias lightly blushed, ignoring Akeno's attempt to embarass her.

Irina let out a small battle cry as she horizontally slashed at Makoto's right arm. Makoto blocked the slash and growled defiantly, slightly unnerving Irina.

"Actually, Makoto looks like he can handle himself just fine," Issei said as he watched Irina and Makoto's battle.

"Come on! That all you got?! For someone who serves the Church, you're pretty weak," Makoto said, taunting Irina.

"Ugh! So impertinent!" Irina said as she charged at Makoto once again.

The two fought each other. Blade versus Claws. When the two lock themselves in a struggle of strength, Makoto digs into his pocket with his left hand. He pulls his left hand out of his pocket before holding it in front of Irina to blow a huge cloud of gray dust into her eyes. Irina shouts as she became blinded.

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