Chapter 2: A Room of Doors

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The first thing Chris did when he reached the end of the ridiculously long fall, was curse whoever had put that sudden drop there. Why had they even done that? But hang on, wasn't it a rabbit hole? How was it even possible for a rabbit to dig down that far?

Checking he hadn't broken his phone, and gladly seeing no new cracks added to the collection on his screen, Chris shook his head and put the phone back in the pocket of his jeans. He paused as a thought suddenly occurred to him.

If he'd fallen that far, how was he still alive? He looked below himself, finding that he was sitting on what looked like a tiled floor; he hadn't even really felt the impact. All he'd really felt was a bit of a jerk as he'd ended up on the floor. Chris looked up and frowned, as there was a roof above him, but nothing indicating where he'd fallen from; he thought there would at least be a giant, gaping hole within the tiled ceiling.

If there had been, it would have made Chris feel that much more sane.

Shaking it all off, Chris got to his feet, brushing the dirt off his jeans and shirt before he rubbed down his arms to try and get as much dirt off himself as he possibly could. When he was satisfied with his vaguely cleaner appearance, he ran a hand through his messed up hair, trying to get a bit of the dirt out of it; as much as he could anyway.

Once he was done with fiddling around with the state of his dyed black hair, Chris looked around, trying to figure out where he was and what the deal was. He seemed to be the only one in the room; no sign of the man or the rabbit once again.

Chris' expression remained unamused, though there was no-one there to see the look on his face. He just looked around again, taking in his current surroundings.

He found himself in a rather large round room, multiple doors pressed into the one constant wall. The doors were of all different shapes and sizes, so which one should he go through? Chris wandered over to the closest door; a hexagonal looking door with a shine to the golden doorknob.

He gripped the doorhandle and immediately pulled his hand back; the doorknob was too hot to touch. Looked like this wasn't the right door to go through. He moved around to the next door, a circular door with a dull brass handle.

Chris looked at the door suspiciously, not wanting the doorknob to burn his hand again like the previous one; the last thing he needed was to get burnt hands from trying to find a way out of this damn room.

Chris looked over his shoulder, stalling again in the hopes that he wouldn't have to try to open the doors; maybe someone else was around that could help him out of here. He saw no-one, but he did notice that the room seemed to have gotten a bit smaller than when he'd looked around the first time.


An uneasy feeling within, Chris looked back to the door, already feeling tired from the fall and the hexagonal door. He reached forwards cautiously, but was stopped in his tracks.

"Wait! It's not that one!" he heard from behind him.

Chris looked around, a bit of an annoyed expression on his face. The young man from before was over near one of the other doors, and he looked like he had just come through the one he was standing near, as the rectangular door was ajar and Chris could see sunlight shining through.

"Don't touch that one," the man warned, a bit of an amused smile on his face. "You don't wanna see what'll happen if you touch that door."

"Sorry, who're you?" Chris found himself asking; he'd turned around and had his hands on his hips without even realising.

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