I'm not leaving any time soon

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Michelle POV
I wake up by again another nightmare. I had been having them a lot lately, since I watch the movie end game last week with my friends, Natasha's death scene repeating in my head over and over again. I know that's all fake but my mind decides to play me dirty and make it as instead of Natasha is my mom. Tears roll down my cheeks by just the thought of it. My mom is everything to me, and I can't imagine my life without her. For as long as I can remember it has always being me and her. Even with the arrival of Rose and Romain, then Colin and now baby Cosmo, that never change. She make sure I would always had in mind how much she loved me and that I had a really special place in her heart. She would say that she didn't knew what love at first sight was until the day I was born. I wouldn't change that for anything in this whole world, better yet universe. I stay there laying on my back, looking at the ceiling, silently crying. I shakily took a deep breath and stand up from my bed, walking through the hallway, I didn't even knew where I was walking to. It was like my feet had a mind of their own.

Unexpectedly but not surprising, I find myself in front of my mom and Colins room, I didn't want to disturb them, but I really needed my mom right now. I know I'm 15 but right now I'll admit I felt like a little kid. I felt like a toddler again, needing her mama. I gently knock the door, hoping she would be awake. After two more tries, she didn't open, so I carefully and silently open the door "Mom are you awake?" I silently walk towards their bed, mom was sitting with Cosmo in her arms, it look like she was breastfeeding him, Colin was laying on his side. Mom looked pretty tired, I guess I wasn't the only one needing mommy tonight, but I didn't want to disturb her, so I carefully move Cosmo from her arms, she stir a little bit but I shush her back to sleep. I lay Cosmo on his crib and turn around to mom. I gave her a kiss on her forehead "Night mom" I sniffle and wiped my tears away, but that was hopeless because the tears keep coming. I decided that I needed to find some comfort on my own. I walk back to my room and look for my arrow necklace, I remember mom gave it to me after the end of her Black Widow shooting so it would give me some kind of comfort, and let me tell you it's not like been in my mother's arms, having her telling me everything will be ok, but it helps. After having it in my hands and admiring it for a couple of minutes, I put it on around my neck, and hold it with my hand, close to my heart. I also put on one of my mom's hoodies that I "burrow" from her. It look giant on me but I didn't care. And yes I know my mom is short, but I'm way shorter than her.

I took my phone and look for my favorite mom's song, it's called "The moon song" and it always relaxed me. I put it on repeat, laying on my back facing the ceiling. Taking a shaky breath, I close my eyes for a moment just focusing on my mom's voice. The tears kept falling down my cheeks, I'm pretty sure tomorrow morning I will look like shit, but I don't care. I was getting tired but I refuse to fall back asleep, I don't want to have those nightmares again.

Scarlett POV
I wake up after not feeling the weight of my baby boy in my arms. I look at my side where his crib was and there he was sleeping peacefully. I smile, but then look around confused, who move him? I gently shake Colin's back "Babe?" "Hm" he turn around to me with a sleepy face "Sorry to wake you love, but did you move Cosmo to his crib?" he shake his head no "it probably was Rose or Michelle babe" he said after going back to sleep. I chuckled and shake my head. That's how you know his asleep, Michelle I can believe, but Rose coming inside the room and moving Cosmo to his crib? That's impossible. She's only six and by this hour she is very far away from being awake. Which makes me curious, why would my Michelle be awake at this hour? And why would she come to my room? Worried, I silently stand up from the bed and make my way towards my eldest room. When I enter her room, sniffles could be heard and I instantly frown. I make my way towards her bed sitting down besides her. I could see she was wearing one of my hoodies and what it look like the arrow necklace I gave to her. "Michelle?" she didn't look at me, it was like she was in her own world, "Buttercup?" I put my hand in her belly and gently stroke it, she look at me and had her face as red as my Natasha's hair wig, with tears running down her cheeks. I made a pout and take her hair out of her face and caressed her cheek taking away her tears "What's wrong sweet pea?" Without further notice she sit up and jump towards me wrapping her arms around my neck almost making us fall, but me being the strong mama I am, I managed to hold us still. I wrap my arms around her and caressed her hair and back "Shshshsh. What happened my little buttercup?" she told me something but I couldn't understand it, because of her sobbing. I pull her away so I could see her face "What was that baby?" "I had a bad dream" "Aww my poor baby, tell mama what happened hm?" she took a deep shaky breath and continued talking "You died" she tells me in a really low voice between her whimpers and sobbing. I frowned "You died mama. I saw you jumped off the cliff and died, right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do nothing. I tried to stop you but I-I-I couldn't" It took me a minute to understand what she was talking about, but then it hit me. The nightmares about Natasha falling off the cliff started again. Without hesitation I pick her up and hold her like you would a baby, causing her to instantly buried her face on my neck. "Shshsh my sweet sweet girl. It's okay. Everything's okay" I whisper sweet nothings in her ear while also swinging us side to side, caressing her cheek and leaving tender kisses on her forehead. After she calmed down, she sit herself up facing me, looking down, but still having a strong grip on my hand. With my other hand I put some loose hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek in the process "I'm safe. I'm here with you baby. That wasn't real okay" with sniffles she nodded her head and look up at me, I could see in those green eyes fear. She was scared of me leaving her. She didn't have to tell me, I just knew, and that broke my heart. I took a deep breath and hold both her hands in mine giving them a kiss on the back. "Listen Michelle, I can't promise you that I'll be here forever baby girl. Someday I will be gone and-" at my words she quickly shake her head no and interrupt me "Mom don't say that" "But is the truth sweet girl, I'm not going to be here forever" by that her eyes started to water and tears started to fall "No, mom. No. Please stop saying that, what about the all you and me against the world forever thing, hm. Mom you can't die and leave me here all alone, you can't" I lean forward pulling her close to my front before the break down. "Shshsh, listen to me baby girl, I can asure you that is going to be me and you against the world for a very very long time. Yes, I will be gone someday, but I promise you that is not going to be until years and years passed" she slightly pull herself away and look up at me "Promise?" While I was looking down at her, I couldn't stop the small smile that appear in my face. She maybe not be my little baby girl anymore, but right now I just could see her as the toddler she once was. Her little pout and her big eyes begging me not to leave her. "Are you 5 again?" I decided to tease her, making her playfully roll her eyes letting out a groan burrying her face in my chest, making me chuckled. "I'm kidding baby girl, but for real thought-" I kiss her head making her look up at me again, letting me know I have her complete attention "I promise that I will not be leaving you or you're siblings any time soon, kay. There still a lot of things left to do before I'm gone" she smiled at me and lean up to give me a kiss on my cheek and hug me tighter "Eres la mejor madre del mundo mamá, y por eso te adoro y te amo como no tienes idea" I pull away confused "That better be something good. Or you will be grounded young lady" I let her go to a trip to Puerto Rico with Hunter and what do I get in return? My daughter speaking in spanish perfectly, almost as if she live there her entire life. she giggled at me "I promise is nothing bad mama on the contrary, is something that if I told you what it meant you would say is cute and I think you will tear up even" "Then tell me what it is" I pout and make my best puppy eyes making her giggled "You figure it out" I let out a groan "You seriously are not going to tell me?" she shake her head "Noup" "Alright fine. You should go to sleep or you will be all grumpy and moody later and we don't want that do we?" she lays down and I tuck her in giving her a long kiss on her head "Night Baby girl, I love you" "I love you more mom" I scrunch my nose and chuckled shaking my head "Not possible" she giggled and closed her eyes falling asleep shortly after. I sit there a couple of minutes more just staring at my daughter, caressing her hair and cheeks, and before I stand up to go back to my room. I kiss her forehead and whisper "I love you so so much my little buttercup and I can promise you that I will be here with you as far as you want. I'm not leaving any time soon my love"

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