Chapter 1

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Clay sprinted out of the panicking crown with his infamous smirk on his slightly scared face. He had once again successfully stolen at the busy streets of Urilq, a 24-7 busy market and trade station in Qwirlqure. Even with his unusual blond hair and dirty clothing, he wasn't quickly recognized in all the commotion since he had a slight disguise. He needed to get out of Urilq as quick as possible, he had learned his lesson about staying around in a crowd for too long years ago. He ran into his small "house" to catch his breath and secure his stolen prize. He opened the bag and took out the prize, a crystal blue rose. The crystal blue rose was gorgeous to Clay, it shined the sunlight beautifully. Word said that crystal blue roses are enchanted, but Clay hardly bothered to believe that. He believed that the world was normal, some things were unfair, and some things were just plain weird. 

Even though he lived on the streets, he had been taught to read and write by Ms. Raina, an old woman who had always helped him when he was in need of something ever since he was a child. Clay had never known his parents, only knowing that they had died in a war. He had scars scattered all over his body (he was rebellious at a small age), emerald green eyes, dirty blond hair, all quite rare features in the Qwirlqure kingdom. He was known around the kingdom as the " Juvenile troublemaker" due to his mischievous actions. 

His stomach growled loudly, telling him it was time for lunch. He walked over to another box in his small "house" and took out some fish he caught the other day. After setting up his fire he had started to roast the fish and continued to admire the rose. At last, his dinner was ready and he started to practice his manners just like how Ms. Raina taught him. 

"Hey loser!"

Clay this time wasn't so fortunate so he got hit with the rock. He glared at the group of boys who would swing by his "house" every so often to bully him. Clay has a short temper with the group so he growled in return, "What." The boys laughed in such a way that angered Clay even more than he was. Usually Clay would endure most of the torturing the group would bring him but this time he had no more patience for them, not anymore. Clay took his dagger that he left resting under his pillow and cut a boy's arm slightly. It only had bled a little and it was only a small cut but the boy cried out in pain. The other boys were either ready for a fight or were thinking whether or not they should be part of this, especially since they knew Clay had no problem beating them up in the past years. Louis, the boy who had the small cut, was the one who was leading the group of boys. In only a couple minutes of fighting, most of the boys were running away or were unconscious laying on the stone tiled floor. Clay himself, also had injuries on him, mostly on the face (small bruises or cuts). Then came the "bigger boys", they were also allied with Louis. "Great, the daddy's boy got more of his pawns."  Clay had done some of his simple tricks at the beginning, but now it was more complex. Clay jumped down to avoid the punch but he collapsed as soon as he bent down.

"I wonder why Clay darling is taking so long," Ms. Raina thought to herself as she constantly peered through the window, waiting for Clay to stop by for his daily visit. "It isn't normal for him to be this late."  She was worried for Clay, though Clay had never told her about the group of boys, she had thought of him getting bullied in the streets. Ms. Raina over the years had acted like a mother figure for Clay since his biological parents have passed during war. And since she is the mother figure for Clay, she was worrying about what could've happened to him every minute that passed. "I hope he hasn't gotten into any trouble, it's almost midnight."

When Clay awoke the first thing he felt was pain, he felt as if things were killing him from the inside. He turned over to face the sky, where he met the shining full moon and a blanket of stars that was wrapped around the sky. Still in pain, Clay reached up to touch his face. "Blood", He simply thought as he saw the dark red blood in his hand. He was all tired out on the ground, no strength was returning back to him. "The rose." Clay immediately jumped up and looked around for the rose. Nothing. The rose wasn't there where he had left it.  "Those bastards."  He slowly stood up and started heading to Ms. Raina's cottage while a cloud of violent thoughts clouded his head. 

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