Chapter 9: By the Blood of Our Enemies

Start from the beginning

"I heard 'hopefully' and 'explosion'."

Sparky grimaced as the sound of another explosion rang, "Just get her into the plant, shock her and then run like heck!"

"Okay, I'll snag you on the way out, be ready for that. I'll be back in a second. Give or take."

Okay, she was getting bored. However, the stage lights were still on and she needed to keep up appearance. So, she blew up another fire hydrant. She had been going at this for at least 10 minutes, and her labor had yet to bare any fruit. Leaving her to conclude that the new blue blur either wasn't in the city at the moment, or was actually a coward at heart. Either way, it just proved that this wasn't the same hero from all those years ago.

Bonnie was here as a favor for a friend, though curiosity did play a role in her decision to come this far into the Equinox territory. She had heard rumors about another speedster showing up every now and again in the area, even though they haven't spread to the troops yet. Of course, she wasn't really one of the troops. The more fitting term for her would be an asset, being one of the few survivors of the more recent chaos experiments. Even as a lab rat, she was still higher up the food chain the average soldier, meaning she got information quicker. Not to mention she was close with the lead lab technician. So, news of the new speedster wasn't hard for her to come by.

As she learned more and more about these sightings, a new desire surfaced inside of her. The desire to test her abilities against this mysterious blur. To share hits, throw punches, and feel the thrill of the battle field. It all sounded so adventurous, and dangerous, which to someone who had spent the better part of the last decade sitting in a lab, it was as tempting as a perfect dream. A perfect morbid bloodlust filled dream.

So, once a request for her assistance in the area came in, she didn't hesitate. Only now it seems as if she didn't plan ahead enough. At least until...

A sudden burst of wind blew past her, and through her flinch she smiled wickedly. They were here. She whirled her head wildly searching for where they had gone, until finally she found them. They were standing atop of the nearby buildings, the setting sun behind them. The bright light from the day star, hiding their face from her. All she could see was the outline. The outline of a hedgehog. It was like a scene out of a movie. She felt her heart leap.

"So, you are finally here," Bonnie whispered, "By tonight's first moon light I'll know who you are. Whether I already know you or not."

The speedster, didn't respond with any words of course, only zipping off of the roof. Within seconds, chunks of the rubble around her came flying towards her at an incredible speed. She quickly ducked and shot a blast to stop herself from getting hit. Spinning her neck up to see where it had come from, only to find no one there.

Well, if they wanted to play hide and seek...

Zephyr kept his breathing quiet as he pressed his quills into the broken wall behind him. He would forever be grateful to Aunt Maria for asking Mari to teach him how to use his speed on other objects. Apparently, it didn't just come in handy in a water balloon fight. The young hedgehog eyed some fallen hubcaps from a nearby (now destroyed) auto repair shop. In less than a second, he fled from his current cover, snatched up the hubcaps, and launched them at the rabbit before ducking under more fallen rubble as cover.

The metallic disks, worked better than the rocks. Even if the rabbit ducked and dodged them, they bounced off of the objects they hit, flying right back at her. Hurling through the air like flattened bullets. Zephyr would have to talk to Sparky about possibly getting some kind of boomerang or shield.

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