Kokona Haruka x Saki Miyu:Texting Jealousy

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Please read: This oneshot is set back when Kokona was a rival

Also this is angst

Saki watched the text messages being sent between Ayano and Kokona over Kokonas shoulder.

💜'My dad just got a phone call... He says all of his debts have been wiped clean!'

Kokona was so overjoyed, she almost spelt every word wrong.

💜'Did... you do this?'

🖤'Yes.' Ayanos answer was short, but enough to make Saki's blood boil.


Kokona was happy, her father is free now...so, why wasn't Saki happy?


Saki's POV

Why did Ayano help her anyway?
She barely knows Kokona! I should be the one helping her, I'm her best friend.

Though, I wish we were more than friends.

Our first meeting may have been awkward, considering she only spoke to me since she found my bra on the floor.. But it doesn't matter!

I've had a crush on her for a few months now.. But I never really did anything about it. I thought my feelings would go.

I don't think they ever will.

3rd person POV

Ayano and Kokona finish the conversation.

"Why do you trust her?" Saki asks


"Ayano! You don't even know her! For all you know, she could be lying. There's no way she could've helped you and I couldn't!"

"...What?" Kokona replies after looking a bit frightened.

"You're stupid to even tolerate her. I just don't understand how you could trust her, she's kind of a freak...Once I saw her stalking that guy, whats his name? Oh yeah, Taro. Your crush"

When Saki remembered the last two words she said, her heart dropped. She wanted to cry and scream.

"You aren't needed in this situation. Sometimes you just make things worst, Saki! Why are you so annoyed about this anyway? I'm finally free and so is my father! If you don't want me to be happy then why are you my friend? Just so you can put me down when something good ACTUALLY happens in my life? I've been dreaming of being happy and free for years, but I never imagined anyone or anything could make this situation bad. And definitely not you."

Kokonas words hurt Saki.
Saki never intended to hurt anyone, especially not Kokona.
She regret everything.
She shouldn't have said anything to Kokona.


But before Saki could finish, Kokona ran.

She was crying.

Kokona POV

"I'm so stupid.. This is why my father told me to not get attached to people." Kokona muttered, wiping her tears. She was behind the school.

"Saki was my best friend... And now she's gone. Would she even take me back now? I should never have gotten so angry.. I'm sure she had a reason to be mad. She's the best person ever.."

3rd person POV

"Saki was my best friend..."
"And now she's gone"

These words stuck in Saki's mind. She was listening through the drama club window.

Saki thought it was just a stupid, meaningless argument. But she knew it was way more to Kokona.

The fact that Kokona considered the friendship over, broke Saki's heart into little pieces.

That would most likely never get fixed.

Saki couldn't live like this.

She knew if she went to apologize, Kokona wouldn't accept it.

Or at least...

That's what she thought.

They both wanted to be friends again. However, neither of them had the courage to apologize.

They ignored each other for the rest of the day, which didn't go unnoticed by other students. Anytime someone asked them if they were ok, they just walked away, without saying a word.

The day ended.

And so did Saki's life.

Saki couldn't bear the thought of not being with Kokona for the rest of her life.

She didn't see the point in living.


She killed herself.

To get away from the pain & torture.

To get away from fake people.

There was only one thing she didn't want to get away from.

The only person she deeply cared and loved.

The only person worth making sacrifices & hurting someone for.

The only person that was worth living for.

That was...


But now, she's gone. And forever will be.

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