The Book of the Dead and the Book of Life

Start from the beginning

The ring shone bright red and gold, illuminating the room before settling again. Marruk smiled.

"Gringott's recognises Lord Y/N L/N, Archduke of Magical Great Britain as the only and rightful Heir of Godric Gryffindor. House Gryffindor will henceforth be amalgamated into House L/N as will all assets, possessions and rights therein!"

Marruk smiled his creepy goblin smile. "Now the formalities are out the way would you like me to compile an inventory of the Gryffindor vault?"

"Yes thank you Marruk. I need a portkey to Giza, Egypt for Monday as well, can it be delivered to Albus's office 9am Monday morning? I will need a hotel floor booked out as well- make it the best one you can and pay whatever needs to be paid to get it done- and please add Walden MacNair's vault to my conquest vault!"

The goblin noted everything and sneered.

"Of course my Lord!"

Hermione was anxious to get back to school and study so Y/N apparated her to the library before leaving again. He went to his estate and notified Jackson he needed three volunteers to run security for a week in Egypt before returning to school.


The next morning was interesting. Gringotts had released a statement revealing Y/N had been recognised as the Heir of Gryffindor after being accepted by the Ring of Gryffindor which could only be worn by the one true heir.

The Daily Prophet had ran it as their front page story. As well as being the rightful owner now of the Sword of Gryffindor Y/N could add Heir of Gryffindor to his post nominals and had the right to a perennial founders chair on the Hogwarts School Governor's board. It had been vacant for centuries. The voting rights of the historical seat of Gryffindor kept vacant in the Wizengamot also passed to Y/N.

Y/N finished reading the article to look up to a hall of gaping stares. He leaned into his girlfriend.

"You think they would be used to it by now."


It was Monday morning and Y/N had shrunk his and Hermione's luggage and they headed to Albus's office hand in hand. They apparated in just as Griphook had appeared.

"One portkey to Giza my Lord as requested!"

He placed a book on the Headmaster's desk.

"It leaves in ten minutes"

Griphook took his leave and moments later the Floo network came to life. Jackson stepped through first, then Vinda, then Benny.

They took a look at Y/N and Hermione and the two men dropped to a knee, Vinda curtsying with a bowed head.

"My Lord and Lady" the three spoke in almost perfect unison. Hermione was shocked but Y/N chuckled.

"That won't be necessary while we are away. Thank you for volunteering!"

"Of course my Lord" Jackson smiled.

"Hermione this is Jackson Selwyn and Vinda Rosier. You already know Benny" Y/N smiled.

Hermione smiled shaking their hands.

"Y/N didn't tell me you joined the Bearers, Benny" she giggled.

"You'll meet them all in time love. Jack, Vinda and Benny are three of my most loyal acolytes. You ok Albus?" Y/N asked, noticing the headmaster staring at one of his acolytes intently.

 You ok Albus?" Y/N asked, noticing the headmaster staring at one of his acolytes intently

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For You I Will #3- The Prisoner of Azkaban Where stories live. Discover now