Murphy pov

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I close my eyes as my stomach floats somewhere away from my body. The dropship is plummeting fast into Earth's atmosphere, and I still haven't wrapped my head around the truth. In a few short minutes, we will be on the ground. All 100 of us. I should be scared, but i'm not. I won't miss my family. haha, "family" more like it. But I don't want to talk about them. being on the ground means no adults. Things might get out of control, but I'll be free. Finally I can just be myself.
I need to come out, but I don't think I'll do it as a big announcement. I'll just, you know, tell maybe Monty. Truth be told, I don't really have many friends. I like to think people are intimidated by me...but..idk.
I open my eyes and see the faces of my peers. some look terrified, some are even crying. But the majority looks stupidly pleased with themselves. They wear huge grins, you'd think they just got asked to prom by their crush. So naïve. Ugh.
I continue to look around, judging people. my eyes land on Bellamy Blake. Rumor is, he just got himself in jail to be with his sister. Most people think he made a bad choice, but personally I think he's brave.
To be honest, I'd date Bellamy in a heart beat. He's really got it going, the hair the eyes... but it's pretty obvious how straight he is. Chicks following him everywhere. if only he could notice me, messed up life and all.

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