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It would have been asking too much for the continued journey away from Arrowhand to not catch the attention of the neighbouring rebel bases, however, that didn't exactly happen; scouts were regularly out and about, predominantly they seemed to be keeping an eye out for Aloy, who was clearly causing them trouble. But anyone else that they evidently believed were a threat, or even coming too close were a cause for alarm too; the latter thing was a farce, due to the fact that neither Nureka or Kotallo were close to the camps, either of them.

In fact, it was something which Kotallo especially seemed to want to keep a wide berth of. Not that Nureka blamed him, she meant what she said, it must be hard to be put in a position where he was having to fight and defend his people from his people. She could see it, a distasteful expression on his face, there was no hesitance in his attacks, in each sword stroke and slash was clearly designed to hurt, to kill; they chose the wrong side, and though he clearly didn't wish it had come to this, it was evident that the rebels knowing they chose wrong was going to be made abundantly clear.

There were only a few scouts, four, if that, Nureka definitely remembered seeing one high tail it out of here, no doubt running back to the camp they had come from to try and rally reinforcements. She wasn't exactly signing up for rebel fighting, for dealing with them and or thinning their numbers; which seemed ridiculous in a way, there would always be more to replace whoever was lost. There was no real loyalty to each other, not really, there was no honour in that, much like Nureka couldn't entirely see any honour in the way in which they had died.

Kotallo made rather quick and easy work of the two which seemed to instantly gravitate to him. Nureka was just going to pitch a guess, he was a recognisable person amongst his tribe, perhaps? She didn't know, what she did know, as she pulled her spear from the back of the person below her, was that they needed to put distance between here and wherever the rest of them were likely to flock from.

It was a shameful waste of life, what did these people get from this pointless fight? Nureka didn't know, but she shouldered her pack more and turned on her heels and took to running off. She kept her spear in her hand, just in case, Kotallo had sheathed his sword as he easily took the lead of where to go; cutting through slightly rocky paths, sandy dunes and hidden away caves which weren't at all big, even if one in particular seemed to drop drastically into a crevasse.

They had been trekking for the better part of a day, not exactly having a rest or a break. Nureka didn't count the time in Arrowhand as a break of any type, mainly because there was no real sitting and resting involved. Sharply letting out a whistle through her teeth, she nodded backwards when Kotallo turned and looked curiously back at her; there was a brief flash of worry, clearly thinking something wasn't right before realising what she was gesturing at.

His eyes scanned their surroundings, head even tilting a little to listen out to calls, or hoofbeats of overridden machines. Hearing none, Kotallo slowly made his way to stop in front of her. Nureka looked either side of them before retreating into one of the small recesses, it was big enough to be shielded from anyone who came looking, which was important. But also, because it was near the road, if any rebels were out looking for them, they could hear them. This space was leading into the large and open desert spaces, a small valley of such was cut through the mountains, sound could travel a long way, the littlest of noises could be amplified and reverberated off of the rocks around them.

Nureka leaned her spear on the ground beside her, wincing a little at the sight of blood still being not only on the blade itself, but splattered up the shaft. Rubbing a hand to her chin, she decided that cleaning that would have to wait until they were in better surroundings; next door to a desert wasn't exactly the best place to clean her blade. "Are there many camps in this area?" She asked hesitantly, slowly turning her head to look Kotallo's way as she tried to get comfortable resting against sheer cliff.

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