Chapter Two - Leopardfoot

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Leopardfoot stared at Snowfur in shock. "Come again?" she asked.

"Mosskit is lost in the Dark Forest," Snowfur repeated. A single teardrop, sparkling with starlight, fell to the ground. "My sister's kit. My responsibility. And I lost her."

Leopardfoot sighed and nuzzled Snowfur. "The best you can do for now is try to see if she's escaped and is taking refuge in StarClan. This place is huge, and it might take many days for Mosskit to find you if she's escaped. Think about it. StarClan's territory is about twice the size of the Clans' territories."

Snowfur nodded. "Should I spread the word?"

Leopardfoot mewed her response. "Yes, and I'll look for her."

"Wouldn't Pinestar be worried? Don't you have Mistkit and Nightkit to look after?" Snowfur motioned to Leopardfoot's stillborn daughters, who were playing with Swiftbreeze.

"Pinestar and I don't talk much anymore," Leopardfoot said quietly. "And Mistkit and Nightkit... well, I think maybe it would do you good to take care of them. See if Swiftbreeze can send word of Mosskit's dissapearance. She's pale gray tabby, right?"

"White with silver and gray patches," Snowfur corrected. "And alright. Sure. I'll look after your daughters."

Leopardfoot nodded, satisfied, and began her journey to the Moonpool. It took barely more time than it took for the sun to finish its journey across the horizon. It was dusk when Leopardfoot reached the tunnel between the Dark Forest and StarClan. She took in a gulp of air and plunged into the Moonpool.

But when she came out the other side, she didn't see the dank, rotting vines of the Dark Forest, she saw the vibrancy of the forest territories. 

Leopardfoot was a ghost.

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