
"Stop it, Ploy. Just be happy. You can go out with your guy freely now, there's no need to lie," Vee turned at the guy. "Ploy's someone possesive. She got jealous easily. I hope you can endure that attitude of hers."

He gave them one last look before dragging his friends—especially Nuea—away from that place. But before they got away from that place, Nuea yelled something that made the four of them scold him.

"Be careful of that girl! She might do to you what she did to our friend!"


"Are you sure you're just okay, Vee?"

Vee rolled his eyes before putting his beer at the table, "I am."

His friends kept asking him whether or not he's okay, and it's irritating him.

"Bro, you're drinking a lot."

"Yeah. That's your fourth bottle, you know?"

He sighed, "I told you I'm okay. But doesn't mean I'm not hurting."

Vee bit his tongue to stop himself from speaking too much. His friends grew quiet too.

What happened this afternoon wasn't a surprise to Vee. Ploy had done it a couple of times on their first year in that relationship, but he gave her chances to redeem herself.

Now that they're on their second year, he thought they're fine. But that wasn't the case.

Ploy stopped cheating on him, but they still fought most of the time. She's always jealous and suspicious of everyone close to Vee.

But Vee actually thought it's a blessing in disguise.

Because of that, because of the frustrations Ploy gave him, he found that place. He found him.

It was too late when he realized what he was doing. He grabbed his car keys and left the bar, not minding his friends calls.

When he realized it, he was already in that place again.

He grabbed his hair out of frustration before he answered his friend's call.


"Where in hell are you? Didn't you know we're worried about you? Tell us where you are, Ai Vivis!"

"I'm okay, Dad," he joked at Nuea

"Sh*t Vee! Where in hell are you?!" It was Kla's voice.

"I'm okay guys. I'm thankful for the concern but I'm really okay."

"How can we not worry about you? Vee Vivis! Just f*cking tell us where in the f*cking hell are you f*cking now?"

Vee was taken aback. It's the first time he heard Bar curse. And he didn't just curse, he curse a lot.


That call wake him up from the surprise Bar gave him.

"Chill, I'm just...somewhere. I'm okay and...thank you."

"Are you at your friend's place?"

Vee didn't answer.

"You're still not aware of what's happening, Ai Vee?"

"Let's not just our friend, Kla. He's too dense."

"Too stupid."

"Too oblivious."

"An idiot."

"A fool."

"A moron."

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