chapter 1.

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"Woww!!! It feel so good stepping foot here after a long time."

I took a deep breath feeling the air hit my skin.

Ohh!!! Such a satisfaction!!!

"Okayy Dora the explorer!!! You should better get going before Mrs. Cooper calls you and gives an earful." I chuckled to myself at the way I was speaking and got out of the airport looking for a cab.

I thought to call my brother but his phone was switched off and than a thought came to my mind that I should surprise him.

I looked for a taxi and it took me 15 minutes and right when I was about to give up a taxi driver came stopping in front of me.

The glass window rolled down and instead of a man it was a woman.

"Where should I drop you ma'am?" She asked smiling brightly and I smiled back at her.

I got inside the seat and gave her my address.

"It's very rare to see a woman driving taxi. No offense though cause I'm feeling very safe now and hope you also drop me my home safely." I grinned at her through the mirror as she did too.

"Glad you feel safe. Actually from 3 years the kidnapping of women and sex trafficking and rape cases has really scared many women to be alone by themselves. So, for that reason I applied for a job as a taxi driver." I cannot agree more than this. She was right. I've heard my mother telling me about those cases, some of them being unsolved.

It's so painful and terrible for women for not being able to be safe anywhere, you never know what and when can happen to you. That's why every woman should be bold and toughen themselves up more, So that no men can look at us or harm us in any way.

After few minutes the driver dropped me off to my address and I paid her uttering a thankyou with a smile and she left from there.

I turned around to my old looking home which can fit 4 to 5 people inside the house. Even though it's old it has so many memories of mine and now even if earthquake appears I would never leave this home.

But one thing that caught my attention was so many people gathered around my house. Dressed in black some had tears on them some looked sad.

As I opened the door and walked through it inside people turned to look at me with hurtful gazes and all I did was look at them confused and puzzled.

All of them started uttering "we are sorry for your loss." "We wish your family the best recovery." I didn't wanted to ask amy of them what happened cause I wanted to see it from my own eyes.

Feeling bizarre, I clutched on to my bag's handle more and toom a deep breath before rushing inside my house and ignoring everyone.

I heard the voices of some ladies crying there heart out and one of them was of my mother's. I searched for her and saw her on the ground crying her heart out while hitting her chest.

Right than and there my bags fell and I sprinted towards her.

"What happened momma? Why are you cry----

My steps came to an immediate halt, when I noticed the dead body laying there lifeless looking as horrific as it can be seen.

Several marks on his body, various cut making him look very miserable and vulnerable.


" No this can't be happening, my son cannot die. He did no one wrong why does God has to take him away from me." I knelt down in front of his body, examining his face. He no longer had that naughty expression.

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