~ Road trip ~

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Elaine looked up, her world still spinning

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Elaine looked up, her world still spinning. Richie stood worried over her, peering down to check if she was okay. He hated whenever she'd faint, though he was used to it after being married to the woman. He feared maybe she would decide not to go to Derry. Not that he wanted to go either, he just felt as though he needed to go.

Perhaps, if he didn't, something bad would happen to both him and Elaine. Like karma. It was a gut feeling. A stupid reason, really. But, at least Richie would feel reassured. "Rich?" Elaine asked confused, looking her husband in his anxious brown eyes. "Are you okay?" He wondered, running a hand through his hair. Elaine nodded, regaining her senses.

"Let's get you up," He slowly lifted her from the hardwood floor, directing her towards a chair. "I'm dizzy," She informed him, staring at her feet. "Maybe you should go lay down," Richie tried, though Elaine shook her head and stayed on the chair. The two sat in silence, not knowing what to do or say to each other. Richie finally spoke up as he couldn't contain his anticipation to get Elaine's answer. "So, what do you say?"

Elaine sighed, unsure of the whole situation. She hesitated, "I don't know Rich," "C'mon, it'll be fun!" Richie tried, hoping maybe she'd change her mind. "Doesn't it all seem a bit sudden?" She dropped her shoulders and sighed uneasily. "C'mon, Lainey, it'll take your mind off of everything," Richie continued to blabber, making points on why they should go.

"Please, Laine. You're telling me you don't want to go?" Elaine shrugged, "I know you want to," Richie smirked, approaching his wife and pecking her on the cheek. "Don't." She warned, a smile creeping onto her pale face. Richie wrapped his arms around her, beginning to kiss every inch of her face, neck, and shoulders. "Rich, stop," Elaine complained, trying to push him off of her.

Richie continued, waiting for Elaine to answer his question. "Fine, fine!" She screamed, having had enough. Richie gave up and finally crossed his arms, leaning against the counter of their home. "Told you so." "So what if I wanted to go?" She finally admitted, throwing her hands up. "I knew it!" Richie jolted up, pointing to Elaine. She ignored his reaction, continuing to talk.

"Mike didn't even call me, he called you." Richie leant back against the counter, his head back against the cabinet. "And your point is..?" He raised an eyebrow. "What if he doesn't want me there?" "I'm sure he'd be happy to see you. Everyone is always happy to see you," Richie reassured. "Maybe I'm not supposed to go," She continued, overthinking the situation.

"Please just come with me," He begged, "They all love you!" "Loved, Richie, Loved." Elaine corrected, remembering how they had all drifted apart. "If they love me like you claim, they would've reached out earlier!" Elaine sighed, remembering how upset she had been back in Derry. "So what? They forgot! Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Richie quoted.

Elaine shook her head, picking at her fingernails, "It's more than distance," She paused, "It's been twenty-seven years." For some reason the number always made Elaine feel some type of way. There was something about the town that she just couldn't bring herself to remember. No matter how much she tried, she just couldn't. Like if there was a glitch in the system.

It was like a blank space in her brain. "What about work Richie?" Elaine groaned, her head in her hands. "Janice is going to hate me." Richie scowled at the mention of the woman. "Gross." Elaine rolled her eyes at his antics, though he was right about one thing. Janice was gross. "This is serious Richie, what if I get-" Richie rolled his eyes. "I'll deal with her," "Really?" Elaine shot up, surprised.

"Well, I don't really have a choice now, do I?" Elaine chuckled, wrapping her arms tightly around his larger frame. "How hard can it be? You do it every day," He exclaimed, nonchalantly fixing his glasses. "Very, very hard." Elaine puffed, her arms still wrapped around her husband. Richie smiled down at her, pecking her lips and smiling into them. "Go pack your shit, we have to leave soon if we want to make it in time." Richie chuckled.

The drive from Beverly Hills to Derry was around 22 hours, so to make in time, the couple needed to rush. Elaine nodded running up the stairs like a little kid and almost tripping over her silk pyjamas a few times. "You're the best!" She grinned, Richie, patting himself on the back. "I know, I know, don't overpack!" He reminded her, "No promises!" It was the model in her after all.

Richie dialled the number of her boss's office, dreading the interaction. "Fuck, why did I do this?" He asked himself, waiting for the angry woman to pick up. "Janice Middleton speaking, how can I assist you today?" "Hi Janice," He sighed, hitting himself on the head. "It's Richie, Elaine's Husband." You could practically hear the woman's hatred from across the line. "Oh, Richard, always a pleasure to speak with you." She snarled.

Richie rolled his eyes at the use of his full name, "How can I help you today?" "Let's keep this short, Elaine can't make it to Paris," Richie explained. "What?!" Janice squealed. Richie flinched at the sudden noise from the phone. He coughed, "I'm guessing you understood?" "She can't!" "Well, we just wanted to let you know," Richie sighed, glad he could hang up soon. "She can't just not come, it doesn't work that way! Some things need to be done in advance!"

"Okay... So do them!" Richie responded, clueless. She groaned hissing, "She has to come!" "She can't!" "And why is that?" The angry women asked from across the line. Sure, Richie felt awful for using this as Elaine's excuse but it was true. "Has she told you about.. well, the baby?" The woman went quiet, feeling madly uncomfortable, "Oh..." "We need a few days," Richie paused, "She needs a few days," "Fine," Janice gave up, finally feeling pity for the couple.

Richie smiled, glad he'd been able to convince her somehow. "Bye now," He grinned, happy he got his way. Just as he finished on the phone, Elaine walked down their steps, holding up three large bags. "You packed for me too?" Richie asked, going to thank his wife. "Oh no, this is just my stuff," Richie's eyes widened, shoving his phone into his pocket. "Why did you want me to pack for you?" Elaine asked innocently.

"We aren't moving to Derry, Laine. We're just visiting. Isn't this a little much?" Elaine shrugged, dropping her things by the door. "Nope." She exclaimed popping the P. Richie quickly packed a duffel bag and threw his and Elaine's stuff in his car. By the time it got dark, the two were on the road long gone from Beverly Hills.

Elaine lay against the door sleeping quietly while Richie drove, his eyes focused on the road as he listened to the music playing softly in the background. Elaine had offered to take shifts to drive but Richie refused, he chose to make it to Derry alive. Since Elaine wasn't the best driver, he denied her offer and decided he'd be fine with some tunes and a Redbull.

Richie hummed along to the tune of Santeria, suddenly remembering  having left one of Elaine's bags inside the house before locking the door. He must've been in too much of a rush to have noticed it then. "Shit," He cussed, looking over at Elaine sleeping peacefully. He shrugged, praying she wouldn't notice, "She'll live," He went on, his hand resting on her leg as he drove into the night.

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