~ The call ~

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Elaine yawned, woken up by the sun peeking through her thin curtains

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Elaine yawned, woken up by the sun peeking through her thin curtains. She turned over, reaching for Richie but only feeling emptiness. She groaned as she opened her blue eyes, realizing he wasn't even beside her. She sat up groggily rubbing her face, still looking for her husband. She slid on her slippers and walked towards the bathroom, assuming he'd be in there.

"Rich, why didn't you wake me up?" She knocked, waiting for some sort of answer on his part. "Richie?" When she didn't hear his voice she stuck her head inside, still not finding her husband. She didn't remember him having to leave for work or anything. Elaine made her way into the foyer of her large home, trekking down the staircase. "Richie?" She called again, her voice echoing against the walls. She entered the kitchen, hoping maybe he'd be there.

Instead, she found a note on the fridge in Richie's messy handwriting. She read the note, instantly relieved: I'm at a last-minute gig in town, had to go cause of an interview. Didn't want to wake you, text me and I'll send you a coffee :) xo

She smiled at the note, placing it against her heart. She grabbed her phone and quickly opened Richie's contact to text him:

Richie ❤️

So about that coffee?

You got it :)

Meanwhile, Richie sat in the corner of his dressing room. He sighed annoyed as he repeated his lines over and over again. His phone then began to ring and by instinct, he picked it up assuming it was Elaine. When he noticed it wasn't her contact name but an unknown number, he listened slightly nervous. "Hello?" He asked, waiting for some sort of response on the other line. A deep voice replied, "Hello, is this Richard Tozier?"

Richie was taken aback by the use of his full name. "Y-Yeah, the man himself," He joked, trying to cover up his hesitation. The man chuckled, "It's Mike, from Derry," Richie's stomach twisted and his whole body went cold at the thought alone of his hometown. Mike, one of his childhood best friends was on the phone. The man went on, "You need to come home Rich," Richie gulped, not responding.

"Tomorrow, you need to come home." Richie gulped, "Okay," He managed to say, suddenly feeling severely nauseous. Mike quickly sighed, happy Richie agreed without an argument. "Alright, great, I'll send you the rest of the info by text, see you soon!" Mike spoke happily, a large smile plastered on his face. "Y-Yeah, bye." Richie hung up, running out of his dressing room. He searched for some sort of trash can but couldn't manage to find one in time.

He did the most logical thing and ran outside to throw up over the edge of a tall balcony. "Jesus Christ!" His manager called, rushing to get him on stage. "You're gonna be late!" He nagged, pushing him on stage even though Richie was clearly not prepared. Richie's hands shook uncontrollably as he spoke into the mic. By the end of his night, he had messed up several jokes, making a fool out of himself and his famous reputation.

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