Chapter V. "Desire"

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Birds were flying around the gloomy atmosphere of the sky. The weather has been weird these few days, but it wasn't a problem. Many people of Inazuma stayed home and did things to occupy themselves during this time.

Scaramouche stretched as he was awakened from the dream he had. He couldn't really remember what the dream consisted, but he did know that Kazuha was apart of it.

He found himself upset when he woke up. But why be upset now? He's with Kazuha, although he misses him already.

He smiled.
Many things were filling his mind right now
"Is Kazuha thinking about me"
"Wonder what Kazuha is up to"
"I love him so much.."

These were some of the things that were clouding his mind.

But what was this?
Scaramouche started to notice a change of how he felt.

The feeling of desire had came to mind all of a sudden.

He wanted Kazuha, he wanted him so bad. Now he felt even more strange.

"What is this feeling?"
He whispered to himself.

Aftet a few moments, he got up from his bed, slowly walking towards the desk as if he was about to discover something horrible within it.

He turned on the lamp as he opened the drawer up. So many pictures of himself and Kazuha. But he only really needed an image with just Kazuha on it. After going through some, he found a couple.

He closed the drawer back and had the lamp in a lower setting. Then returned to his bed and happily sighed at the pictures.

His desire was getting stronger

Scaramouche lowered himself down a bit in a comfortable position. He had one of his hands occupied with the pretty images of Kazuha. And soon the other occupied with something else.

He then used the hand that wasn't occupied.

He closed his eyes.


Kazuha was in his room looking at himself in the pretty long mirror that his mothers brought for him.

The red and white nightgown he wore last night made him feel really pretty and elegant.

Tomo always made fun of him
As he remembered, he would joke pretend about Kazuha wearing a gown all the time.

Kazuha finished lighting up the fire as he and Tomo sat back.

Tomo yawned.
"Tired Already? But we just got here," Kazuha calmly told Tomo.

Tomo looked over at Kazuha.
"It has been a long day, you know"
He said examining Kazuha when he stood.


Tomo snickered.
"Oh nothing, just thinking about the possibility of you wearing a dress,"

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